Almost entire site redirecting
Hi Joachim,
as told before I have also the problem, that public sites are not available anymore.I have severel access levels:
– member (access conditions: members-only for categories and sites e.g. member-documents, members: login state Logged-in from Automation, options: no extend, redirect to login, can access unrestricted content, hidden admin toolbar)
– contributor (access conditions: members-only for categories and sites e.g. internals, members: role Contirbutor from Automation, some denied capabilites like edit_user and manage_options, options: extend members, redirect to login, can access unrestricted content, hidden admin toolbar)
– and so onLike this: the entire site was not available for the public internet. always redirected to the login page.
As a workaround a created a public user with the following settings:
– viewer (access conditions: members-only for categories and sites excluded the once above like member-documents and internal + empty categories and sites to include every item, members: login state not logged-in from Automation, options: no extend, redirect to login, can access unrestricted content, hidden admin toolbar)
I think it doesn’t have to be like that, but now it almost worked. Expect for the home/starup page. This one is still not available.
Ah and if a deactivate the plugin every thing is available for the public.Wordpress version 5.7.2
Plugin version 2.2.1 (before it worked)
multisite installation
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