I see the confusion here. Bots (like legitimate users) will still be able to access the /wp-login.php URL, and will still show up in your log files as doing so. None of their attempts at brute-force login should actually be abel to succeed now, though, because they can’t fulfil the reCaptcha requirement and so all of their brute-force attempts will fail.
That is what this plugin is designed to do–prevent bots from making a successful login via brute-force, not prevent them from trying the brute-force in the first place. Based on my testing, it is working and doing that now, which is keeping your sites secure.
If you want to stop bots completely from accessing /wp-login.php and making brute-force attempts in the first place, you can use something like the Limit Login Attempts plugin to blacklist them by IP after too many attempts. I use this myself as part of a “defence in depth” strategy, which is a good idea in general for security.
I hope this helps.