Hi @s1ne
We appreciate your patience as we investigate this issue. So far, you are using the Gutenberg Image Block to render images on posts.
Unfortunately, if you edit or update the ALT text for an image in your Media Library after attaching it to a post using Gutenberg Image Block, it won’t update or refresh the ALT text for that image on its corresponding posts.
This is an old issue with the Gutenberg image Block, several discussions have been made on this earlier and so far this behavior has been introduced on purpose by the Gutenberg Image block development team. One of the reasons could be, people want to use a different ALT text for specific images based on their context rather than having the default one that’s been assigned in Media Library. Here is a sample discussion that might interest you.
When you attach or upload an image using the Gutenberg Image Block, that image block starts working locally for that specific page or post and no longer considers the Media Library image ALT text. So, if you want to use the ALT texts that have been assigned on Media Library, you will have to re-upload that image in the Gutenberg Image block.
We hope you found the above information helpful and we appreciate your interest in our plugin.
Have a nice day.