• Well, the alternatives would seem to be

    • Find another plug-in that does the same
    • Find another service that can be called from Wordpreess with some work
    • Build a similar plug-in or service yourself or ourselves
    • Find another developer, or group of developers, willing to make a similar plug-in or service to fill the void.
    • As an extension to the development choices above: Start a new multi-stage campaign for financing development of a new plug-in concept with the same features as Wangguard and start development. None of the money should be able to get touched before the promised development had started. Some may be held until completion.
    • Contact @jconti and see whether there is a chance he can be persuaded by a body of supporters and backers to bring back Wangguard in some form or another
    • Ask @jconti about whether he’d contemplate releasing Wangguard as open source or otherwise co-operate with the community

    I missed any?
    What alternative(s) would you prefer and why?
    What would you be willing to pay for this service per site?
    Would you be willing to develop something like this yourself?

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  • Tried several plugins. WP-SpamShield seems to be working nicely as an alternative.

    I had try to contact @jconti for spend a server etc. but no answer….

    I just tried to contact JConti. Will see what happens.

    I’m *really* sorry to see this plugin abandoned!

    This plugin looks like it might include protection from registration spam. Haven’t tried it yet, but it is highly rated:


    Ask @jconti about whether he’d contemplate releasing Wangguard as open source or otherwise co-operate with the community

    The plugin is open source – see the license.txt inside it ?? (Having said that, even if it wasn’t, one could argue that it inherits the GPL from WordPress anyway). So, anyone can pick it up, fork it, and get it up and running again… if they’re willing to.

    Having said that, I’m not across the server component and this may be what you were referring to.

    I think all that’s missing is a server/service that allows for the API key to work. (Thats just off the top of my head without actually looking into their code, I dont know what kind of information they send back and forth to the sites using the plugin… Time to research?)

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: He needs our help to continue Wanguard. He doesn’t have the funds to pay for the server(s).
    See Indiegogo campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wangguard-service-plugin-development-and-support-service#/

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by ultimatea8.

    I’ve tried installing WP-SpamShield to replace WangGuard, but am still getting spam registrations at least once a day.

    All have different IP addresses and referrer is google.com, which isn’t very useful.

    The new name fields added by SpamShield are filled out, so I presume it is a human rather than a bot.

    I installed WangGuard because my database was filling up with thousands of fake users and it worked great to prevent this problem.

    Any other suggestions for alternatives would be appreciated.

    Hey @johnp,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with spammers even with WP-SpamShield installed.

    It’s extremely rare for anything to get by WP-SpamShield like that. The only time we’ve seen it is when there is a conflict. There are one or two plugins out there that cause the registration process to bypass any anti-spam plugins.

    I’d recommend checking out our Troubleshooting Guide, and Known Issues and Plugin Conflicts pages.

    I’m not sure that there are any plugins out there that are more effective at blocking registration spam.

    If you would like to submit a support request, we can help you resolve the issue in no time. ??

    – Scott

    Thread Starter magdamunro


    Do we even have access to the source code? I think you’d have to start from the beginning without it, if you want to build a new service.

    Thanks for your speedy response @redsand.

    I did check the known conflicts list, but the site has been running WordPress since 2004 so there may well be obscure plugins still running. I’ll turn logging on and make a support request in due course.

    Hey John!

    No problem. ??

    Sounds good…we’re ready to help when you do. I’m confident we can help you get everything running smoothly.

    Super sad regarding what happened. But totally understandable. Sending good thoughts to Jose.

    I tried out WP-SpamShield. And although it seems from the description that it’ll take care of spam registrations, it doesn’t have a function to go through already registered users and delete the ones that are identified as being sploggers, like WangGuard used to. I have a couple hundred users on my site, and a couple couple dozen new ones that are most likely sploggers that I need to identify and delete. Any suggestions on accomplishing that?


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