Am I doing this right?
Hello Calculated fields for ACF people!
I’m having a few issues, but it might stem from me not knowing how to use this plugin properly. It might be just me, but a quick tutorial example on how to properly setup the fields and few example from start to finish might be useful. (Looking a the official screen shots I notice some calculation field types are text, can I use number, should I use text? etc..)
Anyway, I’m getting an error, my steps:
1. I set up a new field group type Group
2. It contains three fields
3. (name: field1 type:number)(name: field2 type:number)(name:sumField type:number formula: field1 * field2, Read Only)
4. Create new post, I add a number in field1 and field2, sumField remains unchange.
5. I click Publish and get error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/1/d224002048/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Lead/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-for-acf/src/Evaluator.php on line 98
Thanks for trying out our plugin.
This looks like the code is identifying your fields to be part of a repeater field. But from your description, that doesn’t appear to be the case. Correct?
The first thing I’d like to know to be able to help you is to know what versions that are in use. Could you please let me know the version of:
– PHP on the server
– WordPress core
– Advanced custom fields (also if it’s the free of pro version)I’d also like to have a look at the field configuration of this field group. Could you do an export of all field groups on your site (I’d like to look for potential naming collisions). Use the export tool provided by ACF and either paste the content here or email it to us at [email protected]
Thanks for the quick reply!
Yes, since I am using the free version, I do not have access to the repeater field, but using group instead.
Okay, the versions:
– PHP 7.3
– Worpdress 5.3.2
– ACF (free version)ACF field groups
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Thank for the field group definition. We’re looking at this and will try to get back with a solution within a few days.
Hi again @deterius,
We’ve just release version 1.2.4 of this plugin. In this version, we’ve fixed a couple of bugs that was related to dealing with fields inside a group. We think that your use case as you’ve described it should now work as expected.
Please note that when you are writing a formula _INSIDE_ of a ACF group, you refer to other fields using their names, pretty much as you’d expect. If you want to use the value of a group field _OUTSIDE_ of the group (at the parent level) you need to prefix the field name with the name of the group. Examples:
At the parent level, you can refer to a field inside “group2” like this:
* group2.foobar + 10Inside the group, you can get values from the “parent” level like this:
* parent.count * 22Please let us know if this new version doesn’t fix your problem.
Yes, That fixed the problem! Thanks.
Thanks for the hard work!
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