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  • I quite like it. What I’d shoot for in any modifications would be a tiny bit more contrast between the main column, background, and sidebar. I’ll reiterate that I like it and would considering using it myself. Will you make the files availible for download?

    Thread Starter evilkirk


    Thanks China. That you would consider using it is a big complement to me. Some of the trickery and guesswork I’ve employed to get it to look this way should probably be addressed before I would release on the WP community at large, though.

    (I’m still learning.)

    Nice! Can’t validate it though, “Sorry, I am unable to validate this document because on line 74 it contained one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8 (in other words, the bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding). Please check both the content of the file and the character encoding indication.”

    Hunt that down, and then see where it lands on the validator. I like the “lack of contrast” mostly, though if I were going to use it, I’d use that to my benefit by making the post text a lot more obvious – letting it shine in other words….

    Thread Starter evilkirk


    Yes, I noticed that too. Not sure yet what it means though. Working on it. I got it to *look* right (in Firefox anyway), now I need to make it *be* right.


    the trouble the validator has is with this : ©

    on line 74 .. thats not encoded, and ought to be

    its part of the dynamic drive script you are using, if that helps you track down what you need to edit..

    Remove the symbol and use: © instead.

    hmm, it wont let me post it inside backticks, figures, anyway, its : &_#169

    Remove the underscore from that above

    Once you fix that..

    you have 47 errors, most of which are related to not having alt tags for your images, not using the proper <br /> tag (youve used <br>), not closing <img> tags properly (its <img=... />

    For an explantion of self-closing tags see this:

    No structural errors, which is a good thing.

    You also need to make sure to encode &’s (ampersands)

    Thread Starter evilkirk


    Thanks for the tips! I look forward to trying to get this to validate.

    Thread Starter evilkirk


    For what it’s worth…


    Good job! I do like it; please let us know if you’ll be releasing it. And should you do so, you might submit it to too.

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