Hi @mbeneteau2,
In order to use Seasons for Apple Podcasts, you’ll need to enable the iTunes fields within SSP. You can go to Podcasting –> Settings –> General and click the checkbox to enable the iTunes fields and then click Save Settings.
Then you’ll want to go into each episode and give it an episode and season number. This will put this information within the RSS feed and Apple Podcasts will begin to display your episodes based on season and episode number.
You can find our help doc on this at https://support.castos.com/article/222-create-podcast-seasons-in-seriously-simple-podcasting
The podcast slug within the general tab just updates your direct show archive URL in SSP for the podcast, this is where you’d find the podcasts episode archive via the frontend. So if it is series.. it would be yoursite.com/series/my-podcast-title… If you changed this to something like shows, then the URL to the specific podcast would be yoursite.com/shows/my-podcast-title (save permalinks after updating this).
I hope this helps clarify!