• Hi,
    I made a list of items and put them in a ProductGrid.

    I cloned my ProductGrid Template so I could modify the code, but I have not been able to make the images show up larger on my website.

    They look small on desktop and mobile. Can you provide me with the html code to make the images larger?

    This is the current code:

    <!-- A 2x5 Grid Template Layout. It can be configured by the two input fields below -->
    {{#Items}} <!--Section tag for iterating through the list of items-->
    <div class="aalb-507-pg-ad-unit" id="{{ID}}">
        <h2 class="aalb-507-pg-ad-header">{{#AalbHeader}}{{ProductsFromAmazonLabel}}{{/AalbHeader}}</h2> <!-- Title of the ad localized according to the marketplace picked from the AalbHeader tag -->
        <div class="aalb-507-pg-wrapper">
          <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-container">
            <ul class="aalb-507-pg-product-list">
              {{#Item}} <!-- Section tag for beginning of information on one item -->
                {{#aalb}} <!-- Section tag for picking up information on attributes for the item -->
                  <li class="aalb-507-pg-product">
                    <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-image">
                      <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-image-wrapper">
                        <a href="{{DetailPageURL}}" title="{{Title}}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <!--Individual attributes are provided as variable tags as {{attribute}}. Check documentation for list of supported variable tags.-->
                          <img src="{{MediumImageURL}}" srcset="{{LargeImageURL}}" alt="{{Title}}" />
                          {{#SavingPercent}} <!-- The section tag ensures that percentage savings is displayed only if it is available -->
                            <span class="aalb-507-pg-percent-off">
                    <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-details">
                      <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-title">
                        <a href="{{DetailPageURL}}" title="{{Title}}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
                      <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-offer-price">
                        <!-- The section tag for different marketplaces ensures localization of static text.  -->
                        {{PriceLabel}}: <span class="aalb-507-pg-product-offer-price-value">{{CurrentPrice}}</span>
                      {{#StrikePrice}} <!-- The section tag ensures that strike price is displayed only if it is available -->
                        <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-list-price">
                          <!-- The section tag for different marketplaces ensures localization of static text.  -->
                          {{StrikePriceLabel}}: <span class="aalb-507-pg-product-list-price-value">{{StrikePrice}}</span>
                      {{#Prime}} <!-- The section tag ensures that prime icon is displayed only if it is available -->
                        <div class="aalb-507-pg-product-prime-icon">
                            <i class="icon-prime-all"></i>

    Thank you

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