• I get these warnings when I set up Amazon S3 for a new bucket. Will my site be backed up?

    Warning: S3::getBucket(): [NoSuchBucket] The specified bucket does not exist in /home/content/73/8052973/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-s3-backups/S3.php on line 132

    Warning: krsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /home/content/73/8052973/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-s3-backups/wp-s3-backups.php on line 192

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/73/8052973/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-s3-backups/wp-s3-backups.php on line 194

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  • I have the same problem.


    The Amazon S3 buckets are case sensitive.
    You can create 2 buckets named “MyBucket” and “mybucket” and they will be considered as 2 separate ones.
    Apparently, the developer of this plugin was oblivious to this fact and try to connect using all lower case.


    The solution is to create a bucket with all lower case in the name, select it in the plugin and it will work.
    (And when done, send an email to the developer of this plugin and tell them to to fix their mistake).

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