• Hi all.
    Im new to this, haven’t been blogging for more than a week.
    It’s not even a week. Yet.
    I beginning to like this, having a page where I can put my thoughts and such. Semipersonal stuff…
    If you decide to stop by, please consider the fact that I by now probably hate IE, and haven’t really fixed the glitch yet. Although it looks fine in Firefox. And there probably are hundreds of tiny puny details that I haven’t fixed or even seen yet… Any critique / ideas / suggestion is welcomed.
    The address is a tricky one. It’s just a temporary one.
    So is the title…
    Cheers, Koads.

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  • menu div … I have these attributes in the css
    position: absolute;
    right: 100px;
    top: 208px;
    Would something like that help ?
    And I love that graphic! It’s wonderful!

    I agree..it’s a nice design, clean and minimal. However…the sidebar is overlapping your main content (in Firefox).

    Thread Starter koads


    Cena: Thats only temporary, when i try to fix the shitty IE-glitch.
    Podz: No, it didn’t work. Sadly.

    Try this CSS changes:

    #rap {
    padding: 0;
    margin: auto;
    width: 700px;
    position: relative;
    #menu {
    width: 140px;
    position: absolute;
    text-align: right;
    background-color: rgb(192,211,226);
    top: 0;
    right: 0;

    This way, #menu is Absolutely positioned Relative to #rap.

    Thread Starter koads


    Sadly no. Im beginning to think that I need to make redirection-thingy as an index.php and have 2 stylesheets…
    But it makes no sense, why shouldn’t this be possible to do ?
    Is there a bug in IE’s CSSrenderengine ?

    Yes, IE has lots of box, padding and float problems. Check out https://www.positioniseverything.net they have some IE hacks that could help. Good luck

    Looks great!
    Did you get that banner image from some archives or collection. If yes, could you please share that site with us?
    Good job.

    I’ve tinkered your CSS file in several places (not very elegantly), killed some paddings and used the “!important” toggle for some values that Mozilla sees and IE don’t.
    It look OK now on IE6, Mozilla 1.6 and Firefox .8 but I need some mail address for passing it to you…

    Thread Starter koads


    2fargon: Thanks ! Did I get the image from an archive ? Both sadly and gladly no. Since I made it myself, i have to rely on my inspiration in order to get a new headerimage. And there lies the problem, my inspiration has always been a bit unreliable. But because of this I can always be sure that the image is not copyrighted and such…
    Anavy: Thanks ! It’s very kind of you to “mess” with my file and getting it working. Since I don’t seem to be able to myself…
    If you could mail it to [email protected], I would be most grateful.
    Thanks !

    koads, did you receive the css file?

    Thread Starter koads


    No, but i realized that that mailadress could be wrong.
    Try [email protected] instead.
    Thanks !

    I like, but in IE 6.x your sidebar kinda “fell” … it doesnt start until you get to the last post
    sorry, i have no clue how to fix… i suck @ CSS <shrug> ??

    Thread Starter koads


    Thanks, rpeeck.
    This IE6.x thingy is my main design concern and at the top
    of my evergrowing roadmap.

    koads, I’ve just resent the file to you.

    Thread Starter koads


    Thanks, Phpneobyte.
    All it needed was the float: right;
    That pretty much shows how deep my knowledge of CSS is.
    I don’t know whether it will look good in say, Safari or IE3. but it sure looks ok in my Ie6, Opera and Firefox.
    Now I can focus on the content and the goodies…
    Thanks All !

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