AMP conflicts
installed your plugin and getting following conflicts on amp:
#1 Type: Plugin
Name: Awesome Weather Widget (awesome-weather)
Function: awesome_weather_wp_head()
Action: wp_enqueue_scripts (priority 10)
Enqueued Script: awesome_weather
Location: awesome-weather.php:73#2 Type: Core
Name: wp-includes
Function: wp_enqueue_scripts()
Action: wp_head (priority 1)
Enqueued Script: awesome_weather
Location: script-loader.php:1993#3 Type: Core
Name: wp-includes
Function: wp_print_footer_scripts()
Action: wp_footer (priority 20)
Location: script-loader.php:1976#4 Type: Core
Name: wp-includes
Function: _wp_footer_scripts()
Action: wp_print_footer_scripts (priority 10)
Location: script-loader.php:1966System Status:
Version 5.5
Site Language en_US
User Language en_US
Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
Is this a multisite? Yes
Communication with is reachableActive Theme Twenty Twenty (twentytwenty)
Version 1.5Server architecture Linux 4.15.0-1040-gcp x86_64
Web server Apache
PHP version 7.4.6 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI apache2handler
PHP max input variables 10000
PHP time limit 3600
PHP memory limit 512M
Max input time 3600
Upload max filesize 50M
PHP post max size 100M
cURL version 7.58.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1
Is SUHOSIN installed? No
Is the Imagick library available? Yes
Are pretty permalinks supported? Yes
.htaccess rules Custom rules have been added to your .htaccess file.Debugging information for the Official AMP Plugin for WordPress.
AMP mode enabled standard
Templates enabled post, page, attachment, issslpg-template, issslpg-landing-page, page-generator-pro, is_singular, is_front_page, is_home, is_archive, is_author, is_date, is_search, is_404, is_category, is_tag, is_tax[issslpg-template-category]
Serve all templates as AMP? true
Transient caching for stylesheets disabled n/a
Threshold for monitoring stylesheet caching 5000 transients per day
Sampling range for monitoring stylesheet caching 14 days
Number of stylesheet transient cache entries 0
Calculated time series for monitoring the stylesheet cachingkindly advise…
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