* Gets the VG WORT marker string for a specified post (if available, post type allowed, post author allowed and not disabled).
* It is possible to filter the output:
* add_filter('wp_vgwort_frontend_display', 'my_frontend_display_filter', 10, 5);
* /**
* * Gets the VG WORT marker string for the current post (if available, post type allowed, post author allowed and not disabled).
* *
* * {AT}param string $html The marker as HTML.
* * {AT}param array $marker The marker object. Please inspect for details.
* * {AT}param bool $use_tls True if TLS is used, otherwise false.
* * {AT}param bool $lazyLoadMarker True if marker will be load lazy (by javascript), otherwise false.
* * {AT}param bool $is_amp True if the marker will be output for AMP pages, otherwise for normal WordPress pages.
* * {AT}param WP_Post|null $post The post to get the marker for. If null, the current post will be considered.
* *
* * {AT}return string A custom VG WORT marker string that will be output in the corresponding web page. Should be HTML.
* * {add missing PHP doc end of comment "/" here}
* function my_frontend_display_filter($html, $marker, $use_tls, $lazyLoadMarker, $is_amp, $post)
* {
* return ('VG-Wort-Marke: ' . $html);
* }
* @param bool $is_amp If true, the marker string will be output for AMP pages, otherwise for normal WordPress pages.
* @param bool $is_feed If true, the marker string will be output for feed (RSS/ATOM), otherwise for normal WordPress pages.
* @param WP_Post|null $post The post to get the marker for. If null, the current post will be considered.
* @param bool $disable_lazy_loading If ture, lazy loading will be disabled in any case, otherwise false.
* @return string The VG WORT marker as defined in the output format setting (at settings page).
* @throws Exception
public function get_marker( $is_amp = false, $is_feed = false, WP_Post $post = null, $disable_lazy_loading = false ) {…}
* Returns the VG WORT marker data for a specified post (only if available, post type allowed and post author allowed).
* @param WP_Post|null $post The post to get the marker for. If null, the current post will be considered.
* @return array|bool An array with marker data or false if no marker was found or the current query is not a single post or page.
* @throws Exception
public function get_marker_data( WP_Post $post = null ) {...}
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