Hi @vmarko
Thanks for your response, here is what happened:
1. When I installed and configured W3TC with AMP-activated WordPress – most of my images went “missing”, instead there were some kind of “data:image xml+svg” lines, broken images.. And the AMP plugin reported there is a incompatibility with w3tc.
2. So I did some research and found the AMP extension for W3TC – after activating it, all images went back to normal. Page cache, object cahce, DB – everything is working like a charm.
3. BUT there is still one issue reported by AMP plugin:
AMP does not allow the use of JS <script> tags unless they are for loading AMP components, which are added automatically by the AMP plugin (…)
Invalid inline script.
Source: W3 Total Cache
Invalid markup: <script … >
Text Content:
function w3tc_popupadmin_bar(url) {
return window.open(url, __SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING__, __SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING__);
Error code details:
"node_name": "script",
"parent_name": "head",
"type": "js_error",
"node_attributes": {
"type": "text/javascript"
"text": "\n\t\t\tfunction w3tc_popupadmin_bar(url) {\n\t\t\t\treturn window.open(url, __SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING__, __SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING__);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t",
"node_type": "ELEMENT",
"sources": [
"type": "core",
"name": "wp-includes",
"file": "script-loader.php",
"line": 2031,
"function": "wp_print_head_scripts",
"hook": "wp_head",
"priority": 9
"type": "plugin",
"name": "w3-total-cache",
"file": "Generic_Plugin.php",
"line": 648,
"function": "W3TC\\Generic_Plugin::popup_script",
"hook": "wp_print_scripts",
"priority": 10
"removed": false,
"reviewed": true