• Resolved Chico



    I really like Ad Inserter. It is very well done. Great plugins!!

    I just tried to configure AdSense ads on AMP. I had the following issues.

    – Standard AdSense ad codes are inserted on AMP pages
    – [ADINSERTER AMP] separator does not work

    I am using AMP for WP plugin to enable AMP. [ADINSERTER AMP] separator works to insert a script in the header, but not in the post.

    I switched the plugin to AMP by Automattic, it works fine as described in Ad Inserter documentation.

    In the document. it states as follows;

    The following plugins have been tested with Ad Inserter:
    AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages (free)
    AMP (free)

    I think Ad Inserter works fine with AMP by Automattic, but does not work with AMP for WP.

    Can you please check whether Ad Inserter works on AMP enabled by AMP for WP?

    Thank you for your support in advance.



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  • Plugin Author Spacetime


    I really like Ad Inserter. It is very well done. Great plugins!!

    Please say it here ??

    I just checked and found no issues.

    If you want me to check your website please submit a ticket.

    Thread Starter Chico



    Thanks for your quick response. I will post review after this AMP issue is resolved.

    While I really liked Ad Inserter, my sites currently don’t use Ad Inserter because of AMP support issue.

    My sites are currently enabling AMP pages by AMP for WP or Theme feature. When I used Ad Inserter to insert AdSense ads in the posts, those AdSense codes were also inserted in AMP pages. So, my sites do not use Ad Inserter at this point. My understanding is that Ad Inserter use Automattic’s AMP conditional tag (is_amp_endpoint( )) and hooks.

    The Theme I am currently using is not compatible with AMP by Automattic, but I think AMP for WP is compatible because it is based on Automattic AMP plugin. However, for some reasons, Ad Inserter does not work with AMP for WP. With Automattic AMP Plugin, Ad Inserter works fine.

    I will submit a ticket.



    Thread Starter Chico



    I noticed that plugin got updated within 6 hours after I submitted the ticket. I jut checked the updated version, and the issue has already been fixed. Amazing!

    I really appreciate your help and support. I just post a review on Ad Inserter.

    Best Regards,


    Plugin Author Spacetime


    Great, thank you!

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