Hello @ampforwp,
Thank you for your response. I am using “Swift” theme for AMP and loop.php file exists in the same structure.
I have also tried to code within page.php file but still no result.
$width = 346;
$height = 188;
if( true == $redux_builder_amp['ampforwp-homepage-posts-image-modify-size'] ){
$width = $redux_builder_amp['ampforwp-swift-homepage-posts-width'];
$height = $redux_builder_amp['ampforwp-swift-homepage-posts-height'];
} ?>
<?php //while(amp_loop('start')): ?>
<div class="fsp">
<?php if(ampforwp_has_post_thumbnail()){ $args = array("tag"=>'div',"tag_class"=>'image-container','image_size'=>'full','image_crop'=>'true','image_crop_width'=>$width,'image_crop_height'=>$height, 'responsive'=> true); ?>
<div class="fsp-img">
<?php amp_loop_image($args); ?>
</div><?php } ?>
<div class="fsp-cnt">
<?php amp_loop_category(); ?>
<?php amp_loop_title(); ?>
<?php if( ampforwp_check_excerpt() ) { amp_loop_excerpt(20); } ?>
<div class="pt-dt">
<?php amp_loop_date(); ?>
<?php //endwhile; amp_loop('end'); ?>
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by meetsohail.