• Towfiq I.


    1. How do I set up the theme?

    Go to Appearance >Amphion Lite Options to configure the theme.

    2. I can’t change the sliders default caption text “put your post summary here(only for Easyslider)”, There is no field called Summary.

    The summary field is just under the post editor. If the Summary does not show up try creating it yourslef. Under the editor there is a box called “Custom Fields”. Select Summary from dropdown menu and write something in the text field right next to it. Now click on “Add Custom Field” button.

    If you don’t find a “Summary” from the drop-down menu, click on the “Enter New” link and click the “Add Custom Field” button.

    3. The Blocks images are not showing up correctly. What should I do?

    This is a bug of the theme and has been fixed in the latest version (1.5) can be downloaded from this link:

    The new version(1.5) is not available at www.ads-software.com but it will be uploaded to soon.

    If you Like this theme Please Rate it!!

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