• Resolved imdtracy


    Customers are getting this error message when trying to check out:

    “An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment”

    Using Chrome’s debug, I see more errors that say “https://connect.squareup.com/v2/analytics/verifications
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()”

    I’m running version 2.1.0 of the Square plugin, version 3.9.2 of WooCommerce, and the latest version of WordPress. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting to my square account.

    Please advise. I’ve temporarily switched to accepting payments through PayPal so my store isn’t completely offline.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter imdtracy


    I have deactivated all other plugins and switched to default 2020 theme. I’m still seeing the error on the front end and seeing this in debug mode:

    02-19-2020 @ 10:26:44 – Square.js Response:
    [digital_wallet_type] => NONE
    [card_brand] => VISA
    [last_4] => 1111
    [exp_month] => 2
    [exp_year] => 2021
    [billing_postal_code] => 66801

    02-19-2020 @ 10:26:44 – Square.js Response:
    [code] => EXPECTED_STRING
    [message] => Expected a string value.: verification_details.billing_contact.address_lines[1]

    Any resolution for this yet?

    Hi there!

    We were indeed experiencing this error when saved cards were being used – new cards work, but saved cards were creating this error. There was a fix applied, are you still having the issue? Please let us know!

    Im horrified to see that the OP reported this 2+ weeks ago.
    I am having the same issue, also reported to WOO direct support (heard nothing), on this forums, and direct to SquareUp….

    Does anyone, anywhere know of a work around? As ATM im having to use Braintree to process payments, who’s terms aren;t as good as Square.

    We are experiencing this issue as well. We get the above notice of the email thread when someone selects credit card type. This is even before they enter their details. And also, we can’t input any information in the credit card fields as well. The fields show, but we cannot input anything.

    If you have this plugin

    “Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce”

    disable it and it should go through.

    Fixed it for us

    Ok thank you. We had this installed and deactivated but it’s still not working. Maybe I will try clearing the cache.

    If it helps, the only thing that worked for us was to make the 2nd address field optional. It was hidden on our site and we had the same error, but as advised by Woocommerce tech support team, make this an optional field and it should work.

    well it did for us

    The dev team have acknowledged it’s a bug but there is no ETA on a fix

    Hope this helps

    We are now receiving this “error occured please try an alternate form of payment” when users try to checkout with a credit card.
    This error started with the automatic woocommerce square plugin update from version to 2.1
    When I rolled back the plugin to version processing works again but automatic plugin updates keep pushing the woocommerce square version 2.1 update causing the gateway to fail again… i am not seeing logs and no order failed emails were being generated. This was happening unannounced to us since the update and there is no record of how many sales we missed.

    Plugin Support Yuki K a11n.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer


    As a workaround, could you please unhide the second address field in Customizer to see if that helps:

    Link to image: https://d.pr/i/dvpC7l

    To resummarize the thread, this is a known bug issue which our developers are currently working on a fix and the current workaround is to unhide the second address line. If you also have a custom checkout field plugin, make sure that the second address line is available as an option there as well.

    I’m closing this thread for now as it is a known issue that is being worked on and there is a temporary workaround as outlined above.

    I had a similar issue with one of the sites I manage what worked for me was to roll back to version 2.05 to download visit https://pluginarchive.com/wordpress/woocommerce-square/v/2-0-5

    Seeing this error as well.
    “An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment.”

    Themes and plugins are up to date.

    The 2nd address field is unhidden.

    Downgrading the plugin to 2.0.5 didn’t help.

    Downgrading the plugin has seemed to work thanks ??

    Switched from Stripe to Square and hit with this bug this morning. Going to try the unhide field options for now.

    The hidden field workaround did not work.

    But what did work was going to Woocommerce>Settings>Payments and next to Customer Profiles, uncheck the box “Allow customers to securely save their payment details for future checkout.”

    But we have Woocommerce subscriptions plugin and use, so this is going to be an issue as payment info needs to be saved.

    I’ve been getting this error also running the Auth.net payment gateway. I fixed it by going into the Auth.net payment gateway settings and changing the “Payment form type” setting from “Inline” to “Lightbox”.

    Lightbox is better anyway since the web site it not taking the credit card info – Auth.net is taking the credit card info directly through a pop-up I-frame Lightbox. Your site is never seeing the credit card info – which makes our site truly PCI compliant.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Ross Gile. Reason: add one word
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