An hour after successful upgrade, site disappears/goes all white
I’m hoping someone can help me out here. Regarding It is on GoDaddy Hosting but I do all my upgrades through WordPress itself, not GoDaddy if that is relevent.
I upgraded to 2.8 last night on this and each of my 7 blogs. All upgrades went just fine, including on the site in question. I was able to use the site in question for about an hour after the upgrade to 2.8 when suddenly the site went all white as it is now. I cannot access either admin or site itself.
I immediately tried disabling all plugins by deleting them from the remote in FTP and this did not help. (My first thought was to try to plugins because it was upgrading a plugin using WordPress’s automatic update feature when it happened).
Next I went to downgrade back to 2.7.1 but now GoDaddy is ticked at me for deleting and uploading the plugins so many times when I was trying to see if that was in and errors me out. Just because I was desperate, I also tried using the GoDaddy Hosting Connection to downgrade back to 2.7 but they gave me a fatal error.
Because the install worked fine, I deleted the back-up I’d made of the database pre-install (yes, I know, Murphy’s Law). I already put in an email to GoDaddy to see if they can make me a new back up of my database since it is with them but I am hoping that, in the meantime, someone can just give me some advice or troublshooting I can do to try to fix this myself.
I really appreciate you help!
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