• Hendosrus


    Hi Guys,

    I’m new to the forum and newish to blogging. I have only two blogs, the first of which went perfectly fine when I created it less than a year ago, and has been working with no issues ever since – until a couple of days ago.

    A couple of days ago, I started a new blog. And after installing the current newest version of WP, one of the first things I wanted to do was install a couple of basic plugins. I got the error above. I flipped across to my other blog which I had also upgraded to the newest WP version and hey presto, the same error there.

    I know this has been a problem before, and I have searched through all those threads. There have been a variety of ‘solutions’ that have helped one or two forum members, but this problem appears to be very widespread. And since it has just started on my blogs, with nothing else changing, I don’t believe my ISP has anything to do with it.

    I’ve tried changing the ‘timeout’ in the wp-admin\includes\plugin-install.php with no luck at all.

    For some it seems this has worked. For me the error can come up straight away with no real or significant delay.

    I would have thought WP would have come up with something by now – maybe they have, but I can’t find it on this forum.

    Can anyone please suggest a way around this error, as it is totally preventing me moving ahead until I get ti fixed – period

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  • Dev Tyagi


    it involves editing the class-http.php file in the
    wp-includes folder found on the root of your WordPress installation.

    find this code

    {code type=PHP}
    ‘timeout’ => apply_filters( ‘http_request_timeout’, 5);

    Replace that code with:

    {code type=PHP}
    ‘timeout’ => apply_filters( ‘http_request_timeout’, 30);

    the class-http.php file found in the wp-includes folder.

    By replacing the code above resolved the nasty HTTP error I was getting. Hope it works for you!

    Thread Starter Hendosrus


    Hi rockt204,

    thanks for taking the time to reply. I have already tried a few of these “timeout” type fixes, – with no success. And unfortunately this one can now be added to the bag.

    I don’t think it’s a tiing issue as the error is just as likely to come up straight away. It’s not like the thing is thinking about it for (in this case) the 5 seconds before it times out. But thanks anyway for the reply – much appreciated.

    There must be people out there who know how to fix this. Further, it must be something that WP are aware of. Anyone know if WP are even looking at this?

    Frustrated from Down Under

    similar problem
    my site – cybermarshalls.co.cc

    whenever i try to import data of my old site, it shows –

    “An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request.”

    i’m tired of posting the same problem again again in different sites, still not got a proper solution.

    please please help,
    i’m totally stuck and cant do anything,
    my wordpress version – 3.3.1
    please help

    Posting the same question on multiple blogs will not help your cause.
    You will only get help 1) if someone wants to and 2) if someone has an actual idea of how to help.

    [edit] Possibly an answer for you, https://www.clickonf5.org/5802/solved-an-unexpected-http-error-wordpress/

    Remember, search is your friend :^)

    i even tried that, i changes it to 30,
    still showing same error,

    is hosting wordpress blogs in free hosting causing problem?
    in 1 site i read that.
    i’h hosting it at byethost.com
    please help.

    Thread Starter Hendosrus



    there’s a slim chance I might just have the answer for you.

    If you google this problem, you’ll find that a lot of people were told to alter the timing value in some of the control files for the wp plugins, and that seemed to work well for some people, but not others. I tried all the timing changes and nothing worked for me though.

    As well as the problem of the error message, I was also getting drop down shopping menus appearing when I went to many websites – which also was not normal. So, I had three things wrong all at the same time.

    I had …

    1) Drop Down text-enhance menus apprearing when I visit many websites.
    2) Text-enhance boxes appearing (like infolinks) on my blogs
    3) The “unexpected http error…. when I try to install wp plugins.

    What I found was that one of my kids who uses the pc for playing games, had for some reason downloaded a toolbar which in turn had installed a piece of malware called “Artua Vladislav”.

    This had installed a thing called “Text-Enhance” (the infolinks lookalike) on my wordpress blog content, as well as the drop down menus at websites.

    Little bit of googling points me in certain directions.

    Since I use firefox, I go to my toolbar and clicked on “tools” and then “Add-ons” and found two add-ons that I didn’t recognise, B-Fliks and an Eclipse Toolbar. I got rid of both these two things, and the drop down menus were gone, but the other two things were still happening.

    More googling…

    Someone suggested downloading a little app called io-Bit Uninstaller. This little program looks deep and came up with a whole load of things linked to the “Eclipse Toolbar” and “B-Flik” programs, that had not been got rid of when I deleted them in the firefox toolbar “Add-on” utility.

    So, I got rid of all of these things also, rebooted for good measure, – and hey presto!

    All fixed. No more “text-enhance” links on my blogs. And my infolinks returned to the blog where it should have been.

    No more …”An Unexpected HTTP Error occurred during the API request”

    …. when I try to install or search for plugins on my blogs.

    And now, a couple of weeks later, all is still fine.

    Hope this helps you.

    All the best,

    i have chrome, with no extensions.
    i have also removed all existing plugins from wordpress.
    tried changing timeout values in two files.
    Still getting the api error when trying to import.

    my site : cybermarshalls.co.cc still at same place without any edit.
    cant import the data of my site : cybermarshalls.wordpress.com

    but anyways..thanks for the reply.

    Thread Starter Hendosrus



    have you tried doing the same thing from

    a) another browser, ie IE or Firefox? Or,
    b) another PC?

    It would be worth trying. At least that way, you’l know whether it’s something related to either your site, or your PC.


    i’ve tried changing pc, browser ( chrome, firefox, ie, safari )
    reinstalled wordpress 3 TIMES. seriously.
    still same error.

    site : cybermarshalls.co.cc ( stiil the same, cant install anything )
    hosting : byethost ( free hosting )
    domain : .co.cc

    Thread Starter Hendosrus



    I’ve had a look at your site and as you say, it is brand new with no content. I do recall hearing from someone else some time ago that had a problem with a wordpress blog that didn’t seem to want to be solved. It turned out it was something his free hosting site wasn’t doing or providing. That sounds vague I know, but I can’t remember the details.

    All I do remember is that he changed from free to paid hosting and didn’t see those prblems again.

    Even if you don’t want to move to paid hosting, you could try another free hosting company just to see if things improve.

    You have to do something pretty decisive, otherwise you’ll end up going round in circles forever. The problem is that none of the big links in the chain – the hosting company or wordpress – want to offer any help. And us ordinary folk just have to work it out for ourselves without their help.

    Let us know how you get on – all the best !

    @ Hendosrus
    Really, i’ve never seen a person like you… most people don’t reply!! but you did. thanks a lot.
    i’m trying another hosting sites…i’ll check whether it works or not.
    Thanks a lot for the reply.

    Thread Starter Hendosrus



    well, some people have been good enough to help me in the past, so I figure it’s up to me to ‘pay-it-forward’ if I possibly can. So you’re welcome friend.

    Hope it goes well for you.

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