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  • If you find a way to fix this, I would love to know-I am having the same problem and cannot find that line in my http.php file.

    I’ve same problem here. Can anybody give the solustion?

    Yep, I do too.. Would be really helpful if this was solved.

    Thread Starter krstep


    Why is this in the Alpha/Beta forum?
    It’s happening in 3.0 final too.

    Go to wp-includes and edit class-http.php

    I just noticed this issue on one of my sites. I have multiple WP sites hosted on a Media Temple (dv) server but only sites in one subdomain seem to have this issue. I removed all plugins, deleted all cache files, attempted to change the .htaccess file, modified the timeout setting in class-http.php but nothing worked.

    Any other suggestions?

    What’s weird is that the images will actually be uploaded if I use the media uploader but I still get the http error and when I try to use the_post_thumbnail(‘thumbnail’) it always displays the full image, though the thumbnails exist.

    Figured it out. Ended up being something in my theme. I switched back to TwentyTen and things worked perfectly. Went in and modified some admin functions in my theme and that seemed to fix it.

    I’m having this same problem for some reason.

    I’ve uploaded the most recent version of wp 3.0.2 and modified the
    ‘timeout’ => apply_filters( ‘http_request_timeout’, 30), in the class-http.php file but I’m still getting that error message.

    Could it have something to do with the server?? I’m using 000webhost right now which can be sort of wonky at times.

    I’m having the same problem. Tried everything, can’t switch theme at this point in time as I have several modifications. This shouldn’t be theme specific, there has to be some legitimate solution.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Actually it very easily can be theme specific. Remember, adding something into your functions.php can be the same as a plugin. Which is why standard debugging routine is:

    1) Turn off the plugins
    2) Switch to 2010

    Sorry i didn’t get you. What is switching to 2010? Is it kind of wordpress version or something?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    2010 (TwentyTen) is the default theme that ships with WordPress.

    oh, well as i’ve much much updates on my blog so i guess turning back to twentyten wouldn’t be a good idea for me. But, i’m pretty sure i havn’t disturbed any code that could make that API error.

    I was just wondering if you may have any other solution?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Not if you’re not willing to do basic debugging, no ??

    Sorry man, but there are SO many possibilities, it’s a waste of everyone’s time to make gross, untested, assumptions. Yes, it’s a pain in the ass and it’s work. Welcome to webmastering.

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