• Resolved kender



    Thank you, first of all. Your plugin is a great time saver and does a lot of the heavy lifting. I have found that I have needed to use hidden fields and jQuery to decide when fields should be shown though, instead of your built in methods. What I have found I am doing is creating a hidden field, checking other field content and filling the hidden field with “hide/show” or “pass/fail”, then using that result to determine if a field group should be hidden or shown in the edit form page conditional fields tab.

    My method saves me from getting extremely long conditional blocks (show this if empty, show that if not value 1, value 2 value 3 etc) or nested conditional blocks

    In this thread, from a few years back, you stated an understanding for a need for an “and/or” conditional statement. I was wondering if you were planning on implementing it in a future version


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