Hi Webdevsc,
I just added the animations using the Inspect element on the browser to the blocks: “Up to 9 passengers”, “Up to 4 hours of range” and “Up to 90lbs of baggage”.
And the animations are working fine for me.
I added the classes: “animated fadeInLeft delay1 duration1 infinite eds-on-scroll”
Try the following:
1. In the editor chose Text only: https://cdn2.wpbeginner.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/text-editor-wp.png
2. Then the 3 image code would look like this:
<img src="image-path" class="image-overlay img-responsive shadow">
Just go to the animation generator (https://www.downloads.eleopard.in/class-generator-wordpress) create your desired animations and paste with the image classes
Note: I used FadeIn animation so my classes looked like this “animated fadeInLeft”
3. Now, add these classes to the
tag so it finally looks like this:
<img src="image-path" class="image-overlay img-responsive shadow animated fadeInLeft">
And Save.
This should make the images appear properly in the front-end.
Let me know if it works for you.