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  • Phord..

    Nice job on the plugin..

    here is a follow up question..:

    Since I will be having multiple authors on my blog who will not be paid for posting.. I wonder if there is a way to automatically insert the google ads within the content text on each blog posting?

    the reason I need this is that I cannot ask my contributing authors to insert google ad code on each of their posts… it wouldnt be appropriate..

    is there an automatic way to insert the google ad code say after the first or second paragraph of each main posting page??

    or does anyone know a solution for this..?

    I think google ad code that is inserted within the editorial content on the main posting page is probably the most effect advertising solution…

    A good example of how I want to integrate a google block is as follows:

    he seems to be using movable type though… *sigh*


    I made a hack of my code to insert ad blocks within the content body. It’s a pain, and relies on finding ‘blank lines’ between paragraphs to insert itself. Hadn’t thought much about making it a plugin, but I could certainly look into it (it’s a general system, can insert whatever code you want, basically, since I use it to call into PHPAds2).


    If its not too much trouble, would love to see this as a plug in… Ideally would only insert the google code in the widecolumn format of postings (full posting) after the second paragraph…

    that would be perfect.. and would be an ideal place for the google ads can go…

    would love to see it if you are up to it..


    I need to finish some things up in the 1.0 CG-PowerPack final final release and get it out, but then I’m ‘migrating’ to WP 1.5 and will take a look at making all my other fun CG hacks into plugins and having them available.




    Awesome davidchait,

    Looking forward to your contributions when you are able to…

    Best Regards,


    There is another adsense plugin called moosecandy. It can also be used to drop other types of ads/content in between your posts.

    I’ve been thinking about something like this too, but since David is already has code in the works, I guess I’ll just wait. ??


    I’m still in mid-conversion process moving the WP1.0 hacked code into WP1.5 plugins. Lemme see if I can get back to the ad/insertion stuff and make some progress… (Other code has been taking up my time lately, as it doesn’t all migrate nice and easily… grrr…)


    Uploaded and activated the plugin. everything works except for the Adsense button on posts. It’s there but when I press it nothing happen. So I have to manually add <!–adsense–> in the posts.

    The plugin work, the only problem is the button … has anyone experienced the same or can suugest a fix? Tried to leave a coment at the authors site, but I guess he is quite busy with other stuff.

    Nice plugin btw ??

    Thread Starter phord


    The adsense button is added to the edit page with a Javascript function. You may have javascript disabled or you might have an overzealous popup blocker that’s blocking it. (But if javascript is disabled, I think many of the other buttons wouldn’t work… so…?)

    Add this code to your wp-admin/quicktags.js file in the same area where you find the other edButtons entries (around line 24):

    edButtons[edButtons.length] =
    new edButton('Adsense'

    Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with the comments on the blog. I’ve discovered comment notification is broken (!!) and am working on fixing it now.

    Any progress David? If not, is there a chance I could get my hands on the code you’ve been using so that I could whip it into a plugin for myself?

    I installed the plugin, installed my adsense code in the file, activated the plugin. I see the button in my quicktags bar, but when I click on it nothing happens. What could be wrong?

    Is this CG-Inline?

    No, although I was going to make an ‘include’ macro, so you could include an adsense html file in the middle of your post with a simple inline.

    I never got to finish my plugin — it’s half-way moved from my 1.0 hacked-up codebase over to a 1.5-generation plugin. My new CG-Inbetween covers some of the Adsense cases anyway, so I haven’t been rushing for the auto-insert-in-the-post-body thing. If people are still waiting for it, maybe next weekend when I get through some of my paying work I can take another looksee… ??


    Ad Space gives you the option to embed the ad into the content. Where exactly will depend on the content’s length.

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