another problem
ever since i switched to your template my latest blog posts are not showing up. i go to add post, write the post, save it and nothing shows up on the post page. when i go to view the post, i get an error message telling me that the page cannot be found.
it’s not the permalinks, it’s not any plugins, as i’ve tried all of that. i’ve tried switching the show posts on the front page and that only eliminates the post on the blog page. so the only way to show the post on the blog page is to click show on page. when i click show latest posts, it doesn’t work their either.
i am beyond livid! this is a major issue. i have to be able to show the latest blog but i can’t.
how do i fix this??? (yes, i’m yelling!!!!) i beyond pissed off!
this is madness!please help!!!
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