We are using the CleverCourse LMS system.
They save the course contents into a postmeta field.
This is a sample you could use to test with.
[{"lecture-section":"[{|gq2|lecture-name|gq2|:|gq2|test2|gq2|,|gq2|icon-class|gq2|:|gq2||gq2|,|gq2|pdf-download-link|gq2|:|gq2||gq2|,|gq2|allow-free-preview|gq2|:|gq2|disable|gq2|,|gq2|lecture-content|gq2|:|gq2|<p>|gq6|Nunc rhoncus|gq6| justo id sem tincidunt, eu congue augue venenati's. Nunc scelerisque justo et mauris ultricies, sit amet tristique erat ultrices. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam quis libero a purus lacinia porta. Donec aliquam orci eget ante iaculis, in ullamcorper mauris lacinia. Aliquam libero ante, ultricies quis diam nec, dictum laoreet nisl. Integer ac turpis eu sapien cursus tristique. Morbi quis leo a mi vehicula faucibus non euismod dolor.</p>|g2n|<p> </p>|g2n|<p>[gdlr_button href=|gq6|https://static6.depositphotos.com/1000401/580/i/450/depositphotos_5809819-stock-photo-starry-deep-outer-space-nebula.jpg|gq6| target=|gq6|_blank|gq6| size=|gq6|medium|gq6| background=|gq6|#094074|gq6| color=|gq6|#ffffff|gq6| with_border=|gq6|yes|gq6| border_color=|gq6|#678eb3|gq6|][gdlr_icon type=|gq6|fa-file-pdf-o|gq6| size=|gq6|20px|gq6| color=|gq6|#FFF|gq6|] Download Image[/gdlr_button]</p>|g2n||gq2|}]","section-name":"Test1","section-quiz":"none","pass-mark":"","wait-time":"","wait-date":""}]
In that sample is an image, change that image to something that is uploaded to your media library. You’ll probably need to associate that image in the media library with the post you create.
Once you have that content above in your database (not sure how you’ll do it without CleverCourse, perhaps create a post with custom meta field called “gdlr-lms-content-settings” and put it in there.) then go to your media library and do a simple replace of the the image. As that image is associated with a particular post, the meta data get changed and all the ” and ‘ get swapped for unicode.
I hope that helps.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by