• Hello all,
    I am running customizr 3.2.5 & it is currently working fine. I want to ask if there is/are any reported bug(s) in version 3.2.8 before I upgrade.

    I adore the theme & I fully support the developer by buying the extensions, but I am worried of any bugs.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • So the best solution is losing a menu link on mobile devs? If they don’t expect to click on it again to go to the page then it doesn’t confuse them. They will just be surprised when clicking twice ??

    Maybe the double click, always just for mobile devs, isn’t the best solution, but “we” need a solution.

    @nikeo “can you try with different borwser on your ipad?”

    I downloaded chrome on the ipad and tried it again. Same result. WooCommerce on the demo, and “info” on elps.org don’t show the subresults. Any ipad users out there who can confirm?

    The crazy thing is, “Sliders” and “Layouts” on the demo work just fine showing their subitems. WooCommerce, no dice.

    Thanks for jumping in stella and d4z!

    The only difference is…
    WooCommerce doesn’t have the href=’#’ attribute
    Try to change your “info” item menu adding “#” into the href field.

    href field = URL ??
    so in URL write

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Yep @eri_trabiccolo, I just came to the same conclusion as well ??
    something has to be coded to force this attribute to be rendered. php or js…

    Thanks for reporting this @jeffjeffbobeff. This is now in the to fix list for next release.

    That did it! Thanks d4z! I believe somewhere in the tutorials the instructions to have nothing in the URL field may need to be updated.

    Now to figure out what is up with these call to action buttons! What they appear to be doing is scrolling to the next slider picture, rather than following the link. When it reaches the end of the slider, it will follow that button’s link.

    Something like, in TC_nav_walker.start_el :

    if ( $item->is_dropdown && ( $depth === 0)) {
              //makes top menu not clickable (default bootstrap behaviour)
              $search         = '<a';
              $replace        = ( ! wp_is_mobile() && 'hover' == esc_attr( tc__f( '__get_option' , 'tc_menu_type' ) ) ) ? $search : '<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#"';

    to this:

    if ( $item->is_dropdown && ( $depth === 0)) {
              //makes top menu not clickable (default bootstrap behaviour)
              $search         = '<a';
              $replace        = ( ! wp_is_mobile() && 'hover' == esc_attr( tc__f( '__get_option' , 'tc_menu_type' ) ) ) ? $search : sprintf('<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" %1$s', strpos($item_html, 'href=') ? '' : 'href="#"') ;

    Since I think is useful just when is mobile…

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    yes that should do it! Elegant
    this smells like a pull request.. :))

    About slider’s call to action buttons is an issue with the hammer functionality…

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    oh, what’s the problem with hammer?

    Thread Starter marwanwahbi


    Thank u @nikeo & all for this tremendous help. Really. I admire this theme a lot with this support forum.

    @nikeo following your guidance, my server php version is 5.3.6 So I am upgrading now.

    Basically, hammer catches the “hammer on” even if you click on the slider’s call to action buttons (very often), you can try it emulating the ipad with google-chrome.
    Abouth the pull-request, I’m fighting against git, he’s winning at the moment.. don’t despair ??

    @d4z, thanks for your help! Any thoughts on how I can fix the hammer issue?

    There are at least 4 ways to do that:
    1) (deprecated) change tc-scripts.min.js adding the right code, or change tc-script.js adding the right code, and force customizr to load it instead of the minified version. But you should change two core files, and you will lose your changes with the next update.
    2)(suggested) Make a child theme.
    2.a) make a new directory in your child theme directory, and call it “js”.
    So you’ll have:
    2.b) create a new file named “hammer_patch.js” in the just created dir “js” and fill it with this code:

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        ! function ($) {
            //prevents js conflicts
            "use strict";
            //prevent propagation event from sensible children
            $(".carousel input, .carousel button, .carousel textarea, .carousel select, .carousel a").
                on("touchstart touchmove", function(ev) {

    2c) Open your brand-new child-theme functions.php (which, now you know, has to start with <?php) and append this code:

    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'prepare_hammer_patch');
    function prepare_hammer_patch(){
        if ( ! wp_is_mobile() )
        add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hammer_patch', 5);
    function hammer_patch(){
        wp_enqueue_script('hammer-patch', TC_BASE_URL_CHILD . 'js/hammer_patch.js' , array('jquery') );

    3) (lazy you mode on) Wait for next customizr release, hopefully ??
    4) (lazy you mode on++) Download this zip file and decompress it in wp-content/plugins/ , then activate Customizr Hammer Patch plugin.

    Cross your finger ??

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    FYI, I just merged the javascript solution pulled on Github by @d4z_c0nf.
    It will be included in v3.2.9 in the coming days

    Awesome, Thanks guys!

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