• Are there any compatibility issues with using BOTH Better WP Security (currently version 3.4.8) and WordFence Security (currently version 3.6.5) ? These both seem like excellent plugins and are well recommended. Does anyone know of any problems with using both of them together on a site? If so, are there specific options/settings that should be disabled to make them work together effectively? Thanks in advance for any suggestions! ??


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  • I was just wondering the same thing. Anyone have experience using both at the same time?

    I would like to know too.

    I haven’t had any problems with them both running together… In fact they’ve been doing well. However, today all my databases are offline and I cannot establish a database connection. My tech support says there’s a runaway MySQL problem… Both BWPS and Wordfence upgraded, so I’m hoping this is the problem.

    I’ve been using both for several months now, with no apparent compatibility issues. Some functions seem to overlap (lock out functions for the most part) and that can make the logging a bit obscure, but I haven’t seen any obvious problems.

    Of the two, I have found Wordfence to be a little less robust in general. Going into the logs and blocking IP’s for example, can sometimes cause the ‘Wordfence Working’ spinning wheel to go on forever with an accompanying high server load evident. Loading another page generally sets things right, but it has become a big enough problem that I no longer attempt to add IP’s to the blocked list – just too sluggish and prone to going into some sort of (apparently) infinite loop.

    When I have the time and interest one day I’m going to attempt to keep the main functions of the two plug-ins separate by configuration. WP-Security seems to be aimed at locking down susceptible files and Wordfence is more of a firewall. Carefully configuring to prevent unneeded overlap would probably make a cleaner installation.

    I concur – I have used both simultaneously on several sites with no issues.

    However – I do not have the knowledge to know what effect, positive or negative, they may have on the htaccess file. So far – no issues that I haven’t created myself! (one of which i am dealing with now – but blame my lack of knowledge mpreso than BWS or Wordfence.)

    I’ve gone a step further and have Sucuri plugin for WordPress monitoring some of my sites.

    I’d love a cheat sheet to know which overlapping functions are better between the two. One thing that annoys me about BWPS is that I have other services that I use to do some of what it recommends and I still get red and orange flags from it because I’m not using them with BWPS.

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