zzz….. It’s boring.
The obvious answer to your question is that your site lacks anything that’s remotely personal.
I suppose if you are writing for yourself to re-read what you previously typed, then it’s great. But if you want an audience — you need to pick up the pace, literally and figuratively speaking,
Answer these questions (there, not here):
1. who are you? why do we need to read what you have to say? With what authority do you write? Whats your claim to fame? What are you good at?
You’re not alone on the Web, there are 10000’s of other writers with content that can compete with yours, and dare I say, a lot of it is probably more interesting.
So, cool, you like God, and you think he’s real. Now what?
Change that theme. Or something. kubrick is impersonal and antiseptic, even with a purple header.
Same rules apply. You are not alone on the Web. You dont have to put on magic show, but you can make your visitors experience more aesthetically pleasing. The Web is visual, even a blog about god (on purpose lower g) can reflect that.