• I’ve had some issues with pasting html with classes into the text tab when creating pages. When I first did it I was getting an extra paragraph that was empty which I as able to get rid of by making sure my <p> tags had classes.

    Also, but I’m not sure if this is related, I’m getting user agent style sheet CSS with margin-block-start & margin-block-end which I had to set to zero to get rid of extra margins.

    I’m hoping that

    remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );

    will fix those issues. I wanted to know before I do it if there are any issues that will be created as a result of the remove_filter action and if the single line of code above is all I need?

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  • Are you using the Classic editor? The block editor does formatting a little differently.
    The class _WP_Editors has a function for the settings, one of which is whether to use wpautop. See https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/classes/_wp_editors/parse_settings/

    The filter on the_content is for the display context. I think if you remove the filter, it won’t affect what is happening in the editor, but only what is happening in the theme. https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/tags/5.6/src/wp-includes/default-filters.php#L175

    The wpautop function does not affect CSS or the user agent styles.

    Thread Starter Jim


    Classic editor – so it sounds like I’m good – let me check out those links – thanks

    Moderator bcworkz


    The only problem would I anticipate in deciding to remove the callback is for sites with much existing content that is partly reliant upon wpautop for its paragraph breaks and spacing to appear correctly. It’s a decision best made for new sites. It’s conceivable to patch up existing content with a custom update script if wpautop removal from an established site is necessary.

    Thread Starter Jim


    BC – not sure if I understood all of that. What callback are you referring to? And I’m only doing this for my site.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The callback “wpautop” added to the filter “the_content” could be removed. If you’re unhappy with the result of removal, you can then decide if it’s worth patching existing content or or just give up on the removal idea.

    Thread Starter Jim


    Where in a theme, or in Underscores, is wpautop passed into the_content? Is it by default? Or better yet, where would I look on the front end for the effect of removing wpautop? Would it be obvious? I have my website up that is based on a theme I build using _s but the I still have a lot of work to do on the design and in the template files.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Front end impact depends on how the existing HTML was created. There may not be any impact. In other cases paragraph spacing could diminish or disappear entirely. Not necessarily universally, it may only be observable in specific instances.

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