• Resolved MegaZone


    Google opened their +1 button to all sites today. I was thinking about adding it to my site, but if there are plans to add it to ShareDaddy I’d just as soon hold off and do it the easy way.

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  • Thanks Shazron!
    Very simple instructions! Worked perfectly!

    I have implemented Google +1 into Sharedaddy as an Sharedaddy Service, you can configure the size, language and if you would like to show count under the Sharedaddy admin panel:


    Thread Starter MegaZone


    P0l0 – Thanks for this. But you had some errors in the main code, maybe introduced by the editor, that I cleaned up. Here’s the diff:

    < < ?php
    > <?php
    <         < ?php
    >         <?php
    < < ?php
    > <?php
    <     return '<g:plusone size="' . $this->_size . '" count="' . $this->_count . '"></g:plusone>';
    >     return '<g:plusone size="' . $this->_size . '" count="' . $this->_count . '" href="' . get_permalink() . '"></g:plusone>';
    <       < ?php foreach ($this->_optionsSize as $value=>$name): ?>
    <       <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <="" ?php="" if="" ($this-="">_size == $value): ?> selected="selected"< ?php endif; ?>>< ?php _e($name, 'sharedaddy'); ?>
    <                                                                              < ?php endforeach; ?>
    >       <?php foreach ($this->_optionsSize as $value=>$name): ?>
    >       <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <?php if($this->_size == $value): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php _e($name, 'sharedaddy'); ?>
    >                                                                              <?php endforeach; ?>
    <             < ?php foreach ($this->_optionsLanguage as $value=>$name): ?>
    <           <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <="" ?php="" if="" ($this-="">_language == $value): ?> selected="selected"< ?php endif; ?>>< ?php _e($name, 'sharedaddy'); ?>
    <                                                                                < ?php endforeach; ?>
    >             <?php foreach ($this->_optionsLanguage as $value=>$name): ?>
    >           <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <?php if($this->_language == $value): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php _e($name, 'sharedaddy'); ?>
    >                                                                                <?php endforeach; ?>
    <           <input type="checkbox" <?php="" if="" ($this-="">_count == 'true') { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> name="count" /> Show Count
    >           <input type="checkbox" <?php if($this->_count == 'true') { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> name="count" /> Show Count
    < < ?php
    > <?php
    < </webcoder_at_binware_dot_org>

    You’ll notice I also made one change to insert the permalink so the +1 button works on index pages, etc. Otherwise every link on the page links to the page’s URL, which is the default.

    I recommend using the ‘Medium’ size button and adding this to sharing.css:
    .sharing li.share-googleplusone div { padding: 2px 0 0 0; }

    It helps align the +1 button with the rest of the row. Otherwise it is higher than the others and looks a little weird.

    Thanks again for doing the hard work of bringing this into ShareDaddy!

    Thanks megazone, it was a combination from WordPress XHTML filter + Google Syntax Highlighter. Now the code should be displayed correctly.

    I also added the href attribute to the code.

    Thanks p0l0, i got it working on my blog.
    Just in case if anyone doesn’t know how to apply the patch,
    i upload the Sharedaddy plugins + your patch on my blog:
    It is based on Sharedaddy 0.2.12


    Just so you all know, I mentioned above the the Google +1 Plugin wasn’t working properly….

    An update was released today, and it does appear to be working correctly now, without hiding any of my content. So, there’s another option.

    – Matthew

    Also really wanting this to work with sharedaddy for nice clean formatting purposes. do we have an ETA for this addition?

    Thread Starter MegaZone


    Karen – If you use P0l0’s patch it works, I’m using it on my site (GizmoLovers.com). (Which is in the middle of an overhaul pending a relaunch, so forgive the overall look, I’m not done. ?? )

    Maybe I’m missing something here, but ShareDaddy seems very primitive compared to other services. It’s the one part of Jetpack I deactivate.
    AddToAny not only has +1 (and lots of other services) but also allows you to choose whether to include the buttons on pages vs posts. ShareThis is good too but doesn’t yet have +1.

    Thread Starter MegaZone


    Huyz – I don’t know that you’re missing anything, but not everyone has the same needs. Personally I think AddToAny is just too much for my needs, it has a lot of bells & whistles that I have no interest in. ShareDaddy is ‘primitive’ compared to some other options, but that’s not a bad thing. I used to use Sociable, but I ended up deciding even that was more than I needed. I ended up deciding simpler was better, and the services included in ShareDaddy were all I really wanted/needed. I used to allow a lot more through Sociable – but they never got used, people only used the ‘big’ services to share – Facebook, Twitter, and Digg mainly. So why clutter things up with all of the other links?

    That’s one of the great things about WordPress and the plugins – you can customize it to your own needs and wants. What works for one site may not work for another. Different sites, different audiences, and different intentions. AddToAny is a great plugin, but not everyone is going to want or need the extra features.

    @megazone Got it, thanks for the explanation.

    Ultimately, I’m with you. I’d prefer having just a few links. So that’s why I just installed this one: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/only-tweet-like-share-and-google-1/

    It has all 4 major services, and that’s all: twitter, FB share, FB like, +1
    and it allows you to disable on pages.

    Automatic added +1 to Sharedaddy on wordpress.com, so i guess that they will do it to Sharedaddy to self hosted blogs…

    You know what, Sharedaddy seems to work better than all the other sharing plugins I’ve looked at, so I’m switching to it.

    But Marco’s extension for Google +1 doesn’t work quite right for me.

    So I revised his plugin: https://huyz.us/2011/google-1-for-sharedaddy-revised/

    Until Sharedaddy gets update to include +1… I switched to the one huyz mentioned above. Thanks for the tip.

    mclanea, I’m doing the same.

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