
    It’s hilarious that this “official” Facebook planning which boasts of 14 authors (Facebook and Automattic among them), is rated 2.9, while Otto’s original SFC is rated at 4. That’s more than a full class’ difference!

    While Otto is actively driving people from SFC to this plugin, some of us just hate this arrangement because this plugin lacks some critical functionality (at least based on the plugin description).

    Most important missing functionality: Facebook authentication. All sorts of applications (e.g. Disqus) can recognize whether or not someone is logged into Facebook and can authenticate based on that. No registration required. Only need to Okay the permissions to the app on first use, and that’s that. Seamless (almost). It’s a shame, nay travesty, that this is not available via this plugin. This should not only be available, but in fact available as a widget so that FB login button can be placed anywhere on the site.

    Also missing are important Facebook Social plugins like Like Box and Face Pile, but I suppose that’s for another topic.


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  • Plugin Contributor Niall Kennedy


    Can you please explicitly specify the functionality you would like to see and how you might use that functionality?

    Example: I wish Login with Facebook was an option on wp-login pages. My authors have difficulty remembering their passwords.

    Thread Starter OC2PS



    I wish when a casual user went to my bbPress forum, then:

    A. If she were already logged into Facebook within that browser, then she’d see a “Login as Maria Sharapova” FB button.
    i. On clicking that button, she would be asked whether she gives permission to my site’s “FB App”. If she does, she’s logged into my site and is able to use my bbPress forums like any other logged in user. Her avatar is fetched from Facebook, as opposed to Gravatars.
    ii. Now let’s say she logs out, closes the browser and goes away. 3 days later, she opens the browser, logs into Facebook. In another tab, she opens my bbPress forums, and voila, finds herself logged in, and can do pretty much anything like a logged in user.

    B. If she were not already logged into Facebook within that browser, then she would see a “Login with facebook” button. Or better still, she’d see a box titled “Login with facebook” and email and password fields inside it.
    i. Upon loggin in, further action would be similar to A. above.

    So, it’s really not just about the wp-login page. In view of plugins like bbPress, BuddyPress, NextGen Gallery etc, it would be nice to have a login widget.

    Thread Starter OC2PS


    So, is it on the cards?

    I agree on this.

    The “Login with Facebook” functionality should definitely be included soon. This is, what many bloggers want, when they’re looking for a Facebook plugin.

    Please tell us, if and when we can expect this feature to be added. Thank you!

    I also expected this feature were already integrated into this pugin, but I learnt I was wrong, unfortunately.

    The implementation of the classic “Login with Facebook” button. As a shortcode to put into a static page or a widget to place in the sidebar or a php template tag to manually integrate it in a template theme.

    In addition to that, the register-with-Facebook funcionality, eg when an user does the connection with Facebook, automatically an user with the same email address is added to the WordPress database and the two entities (Facebook user/Wordpress user) are linked togheter so that when you login with Facebook you’re automatically authenticated with the local WordPress user data.

    Thread Starter OC2PS


    Any thoughts Niall, or other authors?

    Thread Starter OC2PS


    Thoughts, plans, roadmaps, WIP?

    This is key for my proposed application. I am working on a relatively closed-community site (For a Cub-Scout pack) and the politics of logins is unbelievable!

    I actually want to provide the option to login with Facebook / Twitter / Google / Yahoo etc as well as a local account for those paranoid folks that like to keep it all seperate.

    I know it is nuts, but about 60% of the discussions so far have been about this (although they don’t know it!) There is a group who want a FaceBook page and another group who won’t use Facebook on principal!

    So, how about it folks?

    @wierdbeard65 – per the forum guidelines, best to start a new thread –


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