• im using the disqus system and im pretty sure the antispam plugins like akismet, anti-spam, and wp-spamshield arent working because the spam is controlled by disqus?

    right now i could go on my site and spam stuff as a human and nothing is really stopping it so i guess the antispam system disqus has setup is not reliable

    anyone know a plugin or fix to this? maybe some code that limits the number of posts per X time period

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  • Anti-spam plugins won’t work on Disqus because it uses a comment process outside of WordPress. Plugins use code hooks to interact with the core WordPress code. When a plugin goes outside the normal WordPress comment process by using a third-party system, such as Disqus does, this isn’t possible.

    If you want to use WordPress anti-spam plugins you would need to switch away from Disqus and go back to the native WordPress comments.

    Disqus always had an option to add API key for Akismet for better comment spam filtering. It’s been there for years. Last month, Disqus announced that they have partnered with Akismet to improve their spam filtering. So you should be able to start seeing better spam filtering. At least that’s the idea. But as the comments for that post suggest, spam filtering isn’t as accurate as one would hope.

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