• McLaneGoetzStudioLLC.com


    I am new to wordpress and have created my first wordpress website for my business. McLaneGoetzStudioLLC.com

    Any suggestions for making this website better would be appreciated. If possible please include a link to explain any improvements via and example. Thank you

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  • I’d change to background to make it more plain instead of a repeating image

    Honest opinion, here it goes. I would start with the above comment, remove the repeating background image. If they have made it to your site, they already know the address. Second, I would center your site/main container. If you don’t know the CSS to do this, google it. Off the top of my head I believe it is {margin: 0 auto;} Third, I would make your header much shorter so that people don’t have to scroll down to see the main content. Fourth, I would make your landing/home page (after you’ve shrunk up your header) a gallery page.

    You have some very beautiful photography. Again, I would have your landing page include some sort of gallery plug in to show that off. Best of luck.

    use minimum number of image on front-side of website. You can use only color and front on website. It better for your website speed.

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