Each website is different, so settings selections vary. Just make sure they don’t overlap.
In our case, we are only using the following SGO features: (the rest with WPR)
– Dynamic Caching
– Exclude URLs (we have a few URLs listed)
– Memcached
– Minify HTML Output
– Images Optimization
– Generate WebP Images
– Manage WebP Copies
Best to test various settings combinations and check your website performance using webpagetest.org, gtmetrix, and lighthouse. You can also use SGO’s speed test tool, but prefer the ones mentioned.
If WPR’s price is too high for you, reach out to them (via contact form) for a promo discount (or search the web). Don’t expect one, but worth the try. In any case, the renewal rate is half the price, which is great. Again, worth it. WPR Customer support is awesome as well.
Bottom line, you get the best when using both plugins at the same time.
Hope the above answers your question.