To answer your questions first.
I’m trying to create any kind of email. Newsletter, automatic signup emails, followups after purchase, etc.
I’ve tried numerous templates, but starting from the basic one so that I can customize it the way I want.
The margins are everywhere. Designing and sent.
The only way to make the emails look better is if we have control over the padding. I understand that email needs to be set to a certain width, that’s not the problem. You can still add padding inside of that. So lets say your emails are set to a width of 660px, which it looks like they are. Which I’d feel more comfortable if that was just 600px to be more universally accepted. What I’m wanting to do is add 50px of margin. So that the body text has a width of 560px in your preset size. Right now the margin are only set to 20px. I’d like to see more breathing room between the text and the email container for readability and just overall better-looking design.
In Mailchimp, they do not have a WYSIWYG way to add padding, but they do allow you to modify the code inside each block, so I’m able to add the padding that I want.
As for the abandoned cart emails, I realize that your system just doesn’t work the way I expected it to work. The selling points on the website only state that Mailpoet sends out abandoned cart emails. Not that in order for them to work, the person has to have already been subscribed to your newsletter and interacted with it before an email can be sent. I would have expected this work for anyone who enters their email in the checkout process, whether they already be known to the system or not. I’m currently using another 3rd party plugin that allows for this, but it would be nice if I could merge everything into one system.
So as it currently stands, nothing is broken with Mailpoet, it just needs more flexibility for me to consider using it.