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  • I need to get the build editing going too.

    I remove the date path from uploads as I like them in one folder and like to replace images so they push to where ever they are at.

    For anyone else that wants to try it there info on:

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hello all,

    1) First of all – yes it was hard to implement in that form I believe it should be implemented. I am a bit of perfectionist and my solutions will rather work well or won’t be published at all. I am very sorry for that. Also I personally am not responsible for that fact that WordPress itself doesn’t have proper file organization so far.

    2) EML does not have any “development” version or site. Some of its users were so kind to develop and post their own bulk edit solutions for EML at their own discretion. These solutions are not supported on this forum by me. I am the sole author of Enhanced Media Library present on this forum.

    3) Bulk edition is now developed and hold on testing. I will launch this solution very soon. It will be a part of PRO version of this plugin as I informed half a year ago.


    So…the only way to get bulk editing is to buy the pro version?

    I really don’t mind paying for a Pro version.. The WP library is really WP’s weak point and your tool helps a lot.

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hello Di Rogers,

    Yes, but also first we have to get it launched ??

    Hello ianstudio,

    Please few days of patience more… It’s almost ready


    Great! Can’t wait! Thank you Webbistro!

    Amateur and new to the program – taking advantage of all the work gone into creating this truly succinct program and waiting (like everybody else including Nadia ) for the bulk editing. Thank you for your work. I have 21,000 images waiting in the wings – and therefore an obvious need to automatically bulk assign tags that correlate with the assigned categories Without the bulk function I’ll be dead in the water (

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Guys, I am really grateful for your patience. I didn’t expect myself it takes so much time, but I also hope that you won’t be disappointed with the feature working soon…

    I have a question about my testing: how many files (on an average) would you assign to a category at once? 100? 1 000? 10 000?

    And how many files do you usually upload at once?


    I would probably only do around 20 or so at a time, right now. But I can see that going up to around 40 to 50 in the future. As for uploading, probably about the same.

    How much is the pro version going to run? (So I can put it in my budget now ?? )

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hello Di Rogers,

    Thanks for information! Of course, unlimited ?? I am just testing how well it works with large amount of images and trying to imagine how many it would be for a real user.

    Someone else? How many you wish to edit/upload at once?


    Thank you Currently I have about 1000 images in the media file and would probably assign 20-50 images to each category or subcategory at a time Once bulk function is instituted I would like to start importing the 21,000 in the wings and then categorization can go to 300- 1000 and possible more than that The site reflects images in biology and medicine and the categories mostly reflect the organs of the body and their parts and subparts

    Two additional questions please?

    1) Are tags automatically assigned to the categories ie if there is a category called “heart” for example – will all the images in that category automatically be assigned a tag called “heart”?

    2) Is there a functionality that allows the user to exclusively search the media file from a menu?

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hello @the common vein,

    Thanks for information!

    1) No, since the tags and the categories are different taxonomies. But if you describe in more details your need I will think about implementing such kind of functionality. Many people ask about some kind of “automation” of taxonomy terms assignment.

    2) Sorry, I am not sure I understand your question well. Can you please rephrase or clarify it?


    Thank you Nadia

    Re the second question Since my site is so image intensive and less word intensive I am very interested in my users having the capability of selectively searching the media library as well as if desired to search the blog/page library So the WordPress search engine does not allow the user (not author) to search the images eg Google search has categories for searching ie “web” “images” “maps” “shopping” etc So since your system – fabulously succinct yet rich and deep allows the author to selectively categorise the images so that the author can find and insert images into the pages or blogs why not give the user that same capability? The user in my audience would tend to want to search the media library predominantly By categorizing and tagging the images a user search for the media would be very selective I love the richness of your program categories and subcategories and sub subcategories I feel there is a tremendous value to enable the user to take advantage of the work A widget that would allow the selective image or media search search would be a major step forward in my mind Thank you – thank you
    BTW I am runnning 2 WP sites and The original site was home built – a bit of a klunker for 2014 but is has the prototype of what I am trying to achieve in modern format –

    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hello @the common vein,

    I am thinking about adding some functionality to a front-end as well, but, actually, right now it’s not the priority of the plugin.

    There are few great enough plugins like Search & Filter which can do the job for you right now. It’s compatible with EML.

    Hope it helps.


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