• Resolved Anonymous

    I just set a buddy up with WordPress – he was a Xanga user. Is there any known way to retrieve his archives and plop them into WordPress or is he going to have to get cutting and pasting?

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  • If Xanga creates RSS, use WP’s import-rss.php to import the messages.

    I dont think Xanga has RSS support…so what else we can do now to import ?



    Xanga *does* have RSS support. Replace the “home” in the URL for any Xanga user with “rss”; you get an RSS 0.91 feed. [I can’t vouch for its validity.]

    I’m working on this problem myself…



    I was successfully able to import a friend’s last five Xanga posts. I’m now trying to see if Xanga’s user tables allow you to delete posts; if so, I imagine I’ll be deleting five posts and running a lot of wgets until I get it there. I’ll probably do a writeup when this is over.


    I would love hear how you did this. I have a client who wants to import her Xanga entries to her new WP blog.


    Thanks for this thread – I was expecting to have to cut and past my old Xanga stuff. Did the whole import in 10 minutes. To recap:

    Take your Xanga URL and change the -home- to -rss-

    so it looks like https://www.xanga.com/rss.aspx?user=xxxx

    where xxxx is your Xanga ID

    Go to wp-admin/import.rss.php and change

    define(‘RSSFILE’, ”); to
    define(‘RSSFILE’, ‘https://www.xanga.com/rss.aspx?user=xxx&#8217;);

    You may want to play with the time zone setting – but I was too lazy to bother.

    run import.rss.php

    it imported my Xanga stuff complete with all the fancy formatting and colors I had been using.

    Oops – the post above was posted prematurly – before I noticed problems. It seems that the Xanga feed only has recent posts, and perhaps has syntax errors, so the date stamp is incorrect. Bottom line is that it does not work.

    I’m now working on an alternate solution.

    I could only get the posts that were actually listed on my client’s index page to import, so I got 5 posts imported. That Xanga formatting is hell. I’ve been having to go in by hand and clean up the code to make it match the rest of my client’s new blog. What a PITA!

    I did d/l an archive file of my client’s Xanga entries, so maybe I can go in and clean them all up and then try to import. I’ll post back if I figure something out.

    have a look at this:

    they are approaching the problem from the other side… and it seems to work.

    actually… digging a little deeper even brought up a whole tutorial using this method:

    haha, and only now sillyhead me notices that that one is actually linking back here…

    I’ve got a script that will take the archive files and import them… i made it a while back but never had a chance to update it for the new wordpress until recently… download here and move to wp-admin/import/xanga.php

    For some reason if you use double spaces in your xanga, the archive file stores them as   (makes sense).

    However, when you do the import from the archive file, WordPress converts them into this weird diamond shape with a question mark in it.

    Maybe you can edit your program to strip   ? I’d do it myself but I’m busy at the moment ??

    @dinkumator: That script no longer works. It screws up the formatting and reads spaces as “?”. Update?

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