• wxia0822



    A web owner hired me to migrate the users in the old course system to Watu Pro/Namaste Pro. I encountered “The lesson cannot be completed because there are unsatisfied requirements” when trying to enroll a test user. I see the “todo” link and realized it may be this user never took/past the quiz.

    Is there any way I can mark the user “pass” the quiz manually?

    Let me know if me or the site owner should post this to some pro forum. I can talk to the owner to verify my identity if needed.



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  • Plugin Author Bob


    No, you can’t manually make it pass the quiz. They need to pass it.

    The only way you can get past it is to set the lesson with no quiz, change the student’s lesson to completed and then change the lesson back to the mandatory quiz. Bit of a long way but it works.

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