• Amy


    I’m wondering if anyone has come up with blog client for WP users to use? I noticed that BlogApp 1.3.2 and ecto 1.0.4 have errors and seem to be incompatible with these as metaWeblog API. I’d love to hear if anyone has any other blog clients for both Windows and Mac OS X (10.2 as well as 10.3)? So I don’t have to rely on browser to send my entries and haven’t tried email to blog yet.

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  • TechGnome


    w.Blogger (I think that’s what it is called) used to work, but I haven’t tried it since 1.0.1 came out. I know it’s avail on Winders, but not sure about any others. I’ve heard there have been some problems with the latest weblog API incarnation in WP. But I’m not 100% sure on it.



    You can download w.bloggar – spelling was changed on Evan’s request – here. As TG says, the b2 settings used to work with 0.72 but haven’t tried it since upgrading, sorry.



    I use it sometimes, but there are two issues with the b2 settings:

    1. Only one category can be chosen.
    2. For those using the post title in the url, it doesn’t convert them at the post time, so the urls get a bit messed up.

    So, if you’re not using the new permalink-structure and no multiple catgories, w.bloggar is fine.

    Thread Starter Amy


    Thanks for the info. The thing is…I’m a Mac user, not PC user and w.Blogger is only for PC users when I checked it out. There are limited blog clients for Mac. That’s why I mentioned BlogApp and Ecto but both generated errors. Again, I should’ve been more specific — do anyone know any other clients for Mac that work with WP? ??

    BlogJet is now compatible with WordPress – https://blogjet.com

    My problem is that I do not know what setting to use to get blogjet and the others to work with WP.. what setting should we use?

    My problem is that I do not know what setting to use to get blogjet and the others to work with WP.. what setting should we use?

    bigdaddy, it’s easy – just select “WordPress” in providers, and give your site’s url and path to wordpress. The recent version (1.2.1) for some reason doesn’t include xmlrpc.php file, so you should copy it from the previous distribution.

    Moderator James Huff


    Mac blogging clients (WP-compatible) that I would recommend:
    Ecto: https://ecto.kung-foo.tv/
    MarsEdit: https://ranchero.com/marsedit/

    I strongly recommend Ecto and Blogject. If you have a Mac I recommend Ecto.

    Does anyone know of any linux blog clients for wordpress?

    Sounds like BloGTK supports WordPress and gnome-blog (a panel applet) supports it also. I wouldn’t know about KDE apps ??

    Drivel is another Gnome-based client. If anyone knows of one for KDE, please make sure to note of it here:


    Yet another client editor! We (Zoundry) just started to add initial xml-rpc support for our Windows based editor (Blog Writer). First up on the list was WordPress (and Six Apart’s MT).

    See this post for details:

    The problem with blog clients (such as w.bloggar, which is great on Windows) is that they don’t take account of any ‘customised’ stuff in your posting menu. Like if you have a code validator, or a technorati tags plugin, all of those will be ignored because you are posting via a standard interface.

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