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  • Maybe you .htaccess file was locked, such that it couldn’t be modified?

    hope this helps, nickel

    Lol! is there anyone who doesn’t? Nickel maybe correct here, if you are using any mod_rewrite in your htaccess aside from what WP creates – you could be you’re own worst enemy! I do such rewrites to spam bots like “LinkWalker” and send them to .. well other sites and I have been known on occasion to er .. well rewrite some linkage in the process hehe.

    I used the plugin to redirect a Feedburner feed. I had just signed up for Feedburner, so everything is new. The plugin seemed to do everything correctly, things went smoothly.

    Now what? Is everybody now using my Feedburner feeds instead of the normal ones? My Feedburner stats show that nobody is using them. I know this is incorrect. How can I tell if I subscribe to one of my site’s feeds that it is going through Feedburner?

    I know what a feed is. I know what Feedburner does. I know the purpose of the indirect, I just don’t know the mechanics. But now I’m lost.

    Any ideas?

    “…creates a random url for FeedBurner to reference all feeds from my WP site but the random url does not exist”

    I’m having the same problem. I didn’t mess with the .htaccess file at all. When Nickle says it could be locked, how could I go about unlocking this. Thanks

    I think I have the same issue that colomomo123 has. In particular, after installing the FeedBurner plugin, I’m told to point the FeedBurner source feed to:

    However, this does not seem to be valid (“We could not find a valid feed at that address”).

    Also, I don’t have a .htaccess file at all–it looks like one was never created.

    Any ideas?

    I’m having the exact same problem – I also don’t have a .htaccess file. I’m running WP 1.5 on Windows Server 2000. I created a blank .htaccess file (just in case) but it is still blank after a re-installation of the plug-in. Should it be blank? If not, what code needs to be added?

    I was getting the “invalid feed” error from Feedburner as well. I uninstalled and deleted the Feedburner plugin, deleted my .htaccess file, and created a new, blank .htaccess file. After checking to make sure WordPress was writing to it (chmod it to 666), I reinstalled and activated the Feedburner plugin. Everything worked!

    If you can’t see your .htaccess file, you might need to turn on “invisibles” or “hidden files” in your FTP program. .htaccess is a hidden file.

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