• I’ve been hearing a lot of “bad things” going on with WordPress v1.5.1 and people saying negative things. Goodness!

    On this forum, you’d think the whole program was a disaster because people are always talking about what is broken, wrong, or mixed up. Well, folks, that is what this forum is for. You got a problem, you come here. Few people who have a trouble-free install and performance take the time to stop in here and say WELL DONE – I’M IMPRESSED – WORDPRESS IS TROUBLE FREE! They come here to complain, whine, and moan, which is what we are here for.

    Hundreds, and soon thousands, of people are running a new install and upgrade of this new version without a hitch. You will not see their comments here. It would be nice, but that’s not what we are here for. You gotta problem, come see us. You don’t have a problem, wonderful!

    I know this is editorial and not very helpful, but I’m starting to see a lot of negative comments about the new version being “broke” and such. Stop it. The development team worked overtime to fix almost 200 different things, some bugs, some improvements. That’s a lot within a couple of months of the last release. They could have sat on their kudos for a few months and relaxed, but they didn’t. They poured their time and energy (and money) into getting this release out faster than most companies produce updates. Good on them.

    The volunteers behind this forum are working overtime this week to help all of you struggling to cope with the new release and your every day issues. We’re doing our best.

    Theme designers and plugin authors are also working overtime to see if their plugin will work consistently with the new version, so give them time to catch up, too.

    As you read through the comments, whines, and complaints, realize that this is not reflective of the whole WordPress community of users. Many are not having any trouble at all. But those who do, they come here.

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  • yes, and I have to thank her as well, as she emailed me and let me know what the suspect file was —

    here is the irony — there were TWO files I did NOT upgrade. One of them is the “security issue” file.

    Why didnt I change that one?.. I spose I figured it couldnt possibly be the culprit. If I had been made aware, I obviously would have swapped out that one for the new one.

    Proves my earlier point I think
    Security fixes need to be issued seperately. End of conversation. Anything else is negligent.

    The goal is to get the most critical needs out to your userbase, and two things accomplish that:

    1. Coming clean with the problem.
    2. Coming clean with the fix.

    So again, thank you Shelly!

    “Why didnt I change that one?.. I spose I figured it couldnt possibly be the culprit.”


    podz, I am a user. A user of free software, sure, but that doesnt absolve anyone with more knowledge than me of responsibilty.

    Shelly and TG said everything in their posts far more eloquently than I can. You can continue to disagree, thats fine, I am happy knowing that that some amazingly intelligent people agree with my position.

    Thank you again!

    ::::: looking for PayPal link on Shelley’s site :::::

    I followed the install directions. I turned off all plugins, I deleted a file then uploaded it, one by one, using core ftp. After I was all done I pointed IE to the upgrade.php and poof everything was working fine.

    I then went back and one by one activated my plug-ins. BA stats was a fatal error and I could no longer access the plug-ins in dashboard. So I deleted the program from plugins and all was wonderful again.

    Trackback and pingback worked for me under 1.5 and they still work under 1.5.1

    I have just updated from 1.5 to WP 1.5.1, following the advice on podz site on how to do a full backup first and get all your normal data down. Then I disabled my plugins, transferred the new files, leaving the content-folder alone, except for the classic and default themes. I did, however not use the 1.5.1 zip, but the files downloaded by hand which Matt has tagged 1.5.1 in the trac browser.

    I’m still running some plugins for 1.2 by the way: Drop Case and wp-grins the original come to mind.

    After doing the upgrade according to the instruction in the readme.html, and activating all the plugins again, the only changes I had to do was for some of the older plugins in some admin files (wp-grins, notably) and resaving my .htaccess Permalink structure (The themes and the fact that most plugins want to be called in those files are a godsend).

    Everything else worked perfectly out of the box. I am happy ^^

    *testimony of a satisfied customer*

    Had to chmod 15 files onto 777, but other than that it’s greater than WordPress 1.2!

    How about this. WordPress 1.5 worked perfectly. Loved it. Pretty sure I’ve said so. 1.5.1, I’m sorry, I can’t say the same. Really wish I could.

    What I’m afraid you are ignoring is the standard marketing wisdom that for everyone who complains, 100 quietly go elsewhere.

    I “whined” in another thread, specifically that any security fixes need to be provided as separate patches. Instead of taking 200 untested changes, I’d rather wait for the next full upgrade, but I also don’t want to leave security issues unpatched. Unfortunately, it looks like that’s exactly what I’ll be doing, since all I can find is a reference to fixing a security bug that has no links or further information. I’ve also tried to help other people here, shared solutions on those occasions when I figured them out myself and yes I have also committed the unpardonable sin of asking for help in a support forum. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

    Personally, I love wordpress, wouldn’t give it up and hope my occasional questions aren’t whining. I think this forum is amazing for those of us who have only enough smattering of skill to put a website together, but not enough to get into the coding.

    More than answering my questions, listening to the conversations here makes me aware of how to enhance what I have, teaches me how to address problems in the future, and even gets me more excited about having a WP blog. This is a great community and I commend the folks who give their time to help the rest of us.

    I love WP even with the occasional glitch because of this community. Unlike most other software (all of which as glitches), any issue seems to be immediately addressed by a bunch of creative, intelligent and BS-free people.

    I am another pleased wordpress user – I am usually scared stiff of upgrades as if anything goes wrong i do not have enough knowledge to get myself out of a pickle – I back up and do the right thing and frankly that takes longer than the install –
    thanks to all who work on this as its most appreciated

    Moderator James Huff


    For those who have not yet seen the announcement, WordPress v1.5.1.1 has been released and should correct “all” of the bugs introduced by v1.5.1.

    working fine here.

    For those who have not yet seen the announcement, WordPress v1.5.1.1 has been released and should correct “all” of the bugs introduced by v1.5.1.

    Care to share a link, sunshine? It’s not at the download site, nor mentioned in the dashboard news…

    I got my v1.5.1.1 from here:

    Moderator James Huff


    “Care to share a link, sunshine?” – miklb


    “Update: In our effort to optimize we made two mistakes in 1.5.1, one related to feeds and one related to trackbacks and pingbacks. Wea€?ve updated the download with which corrects these bugs and a few others.”



    Was that sunny enough for you?

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