• I’ve been hearing a lot of “bad things” going on with WordPress v1.5.1 and people saying negative things. Goodness!

    On this forum, you’d think the whole program was a disaster because people are always talking about what is broken, wrong, or mixed up. Well, folks, that is what this forum is for. You got a problem, you come here. Few people who have a trouble-free install and performance take the time to stop in here and say WELL DONE – I’M IMPRESSED – WORDPRESS IS TROUBLE FREE! They come here to complain, whine, and moan, which is what we are here for.

    Hundreds, and soon thousands, of people are running a new install and upgrade of this new version without a hitch. You will not see their comments here. It would be nice, but that’s not what we are here for. You gotta problem, come see us. You don’t have a problem, wonderful!

    I know this is editorial and not very helpful, but I’m starting to see a lot of negative comments about the new version being “broke” and such. Stop it. The development team worked overtime to fix almost 200 different things, some bugs, some improvements. That’s a lot within a couple of months of the last release. They could have sat on their kudos for a few months and relaxed, but they didn’t. They poured their time and energy (and money) into getting this release out faster than most companies produce updates. Good on them.

    The volunteers behind this forum are working overtime this week to help all of you struggling to cope with the new release and your every day issues. We’re doing our best.

    Theme designers and plugin authors are also working overtime to see if their plugin will work consistently with the new version, so give them time to catch up, too.

    As you read through the comments, whines, and complaints, realize that this is not reflective of the whole WordPress community of users. Many are not having any trouble at all. But those who do, they come here.

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  • miklb: Try clicking on the Blog tab on top of this page.

    Just follow the tutorials. Everything works smooth here, zero problem during and after upgrading. In my experience with all blogging tools, WP is the most friendly blogging tool ever.

    Everything worked fine except for some problems with theme editor and the rss feeds but I’ve fixed the later problem.

    Upgrade took less than 10 minutes!

    Had no problem installing mine either with the exception of the RSS feed to which I found a fix thanks to the support forum.

    More power to the group!!!

    I love WordPress!!! is running smoothly … incredible software folks! Kudos to the developers … pings and tracks go both ways now without a hitch!

    WordPress is now accepting worship from all other blogging platforms …

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    You know, when I think about the weekly auto updates for Windows and some of my other “auto” software, I think that WordPress developers responded really well with the early release of 1.5.1 featuring many fixes and little improvements. And then to pop up with the release to fix the two bugs discovered after the first release so FAST – wow! They could have left these until the next big release, but they wanted to help everyone NOW!

    Many of these things aren’t caught until a LOT of users with different systems and demands upon the program start using it. The testers do their very best, but they are a small group compared to the thousands of you out there using WordPress with all your different configurations. You are the real testers.

    Upon learning of the two big problems, they jumped.

    I don’t see other companies with great resources moving that fast. I have one HTML Editor program that I adore that I upgraded a year and a half ago and the use of one of my favorite features in the program wiped out my entire website on my hard drive. I have contacted customer support, technical support, called, written letters, and….well, I still haven’t gotten one word of help from a formerly very helpful company.

    The neat things about WordPress are:

    1) It’s Free
    2) If you don’t screw with it, it’s really easy to use
    3) If you screw with it, there is a lot of help to fix it
    4) There are other options out there (free and not)
    5) You don’t have to use it
    6) You don’t have to upgrade
    7) A whole lot of people who CARE are working hard for you behind the scenes

    Thanks to everyone contributing to this thread to let others know that their install went well. For those on other threads dealing with the issues of installation problems, I thank all of the volunteers who are pitching in overtime to help you all get it figured out.

    I skipped over 1.5.1 and went straight to My upgrade went like this:

    wget https://www.ads-software.com/latest.tar.gz
    gunzip latest.tar.gz
    tar xf latest.tar
    cd wordpress
    rm -r wp-content
    cp -r * ~/web/blog
    cp -r * ~/web/nixblog
    cp -r * ~/web/jenblog
    cp -r * ~/petit*

    Then from the browser I ran upgrade.php at the four blogs.

    That was it, four blogs upgraded in less than 5 minutes, and no problems so far. Putting themes in wp-content makes upgrading a breeze.

    I’ve never had any problems with WP. I’ve only been using it since this past December (converted from Greymatter-WP is much better). But I’ve installed it, upgraded a couple times, used it almost every day, and never had any probs at all. I currently use WP as the news/updates section of my site, and the rest of my site is made up of static pages. I just came to the realization that if I made all those static pages WP pages, it would make my site so much easier to manage. So I’ll be doing that soon and I think it’s going to rock.
    So yeah for WP! ??

    Upgraded one blog from 1.2.2 to and three other blogs from 1.5.1 to Everything went fine. Even upgraded the 1.2.x style to a 1.5.x theme without any glitch. I was a bit afraid of the first one (1.2 –> but it was much easier than I thought! Now back to the blogging and designing…

    My blog use to be powered by b2evo and I decided to come back to WP because of spam. I installed the new version, and then imported from my b2evo install to my WP install. It all worked out great. A big thanks to the development team for making such an awesome blogging software: https://jpministries.com/blog

    Just did four upgrades to 1.5.11 – took me all of 20 minutes total (including overwriting the wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php, index.php, and wp-admin.css files on each of the four).

    Thanks to all the developers for their time and talents!

    Upgrade is a success for me, everything works fine. ??

    Thought I’d come back and add that is working great in testing. Thanks for the bug fixes! Now to upgrade the real thing.

    I had 1.5.1 and today I saw about 1.5.11. I did the edit in the WP blog, and now I get

    Warning: Cannot modify header information

    all over the place in the Admin section.

    I then took out the 1.5.11 edit, checked again, and I still get the errors. I can’t even log out of my Admin panel because I’ve got the errors so badly.

    Is anyone else getting this?

    Moderator James Huff


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