• I guess Photon has updated to include support for WP 1.5. It only works with iPhoto, so all you PC people are out. Has anyone tried it out yet or figured it out yet?

    There is Blog ID and Access Point, not really sure what to put in there.

    check out here https://www.daikini.com/

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  • nitrada


    it doesn’t work for me unfortunately. the iPhoto dialog still gives me a server error.

    what if the blog ID is not “1”?



    update: it does not say “server error 810” or “server error 803” or anything – just a plain “server error”…



    I sort of got it working. https://blog.jinxydesign.com/?cat=2&paged=6

    This is what I got with an out of the box install.

    Needs some work!



    jaredly – did you get Photon to post to the category you selected? If so, how? Since i upgraded to Strayhorn, I get “server error” and it posts only to the general category.



    I’ve got this working, and it’s really nice! I’m not sure if this is just me or if it’s a bug in the codebase, but I found that there was a bug in the file xmlrpc.php that was gumming up the works. In my case, it was on line 767 which previsouly read: $struct['htmlUrl'] = wp_specialchars(get_category_link($cat['cat_ID']); – there’s a peren missing. I just added a closing peren right before the semicolon and the problem went away. You can make sure your xmlrpc.php is working correctly by trying to access it in your browser. If you see an error message, there you go. If it’s ok, you should see XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.

    And BTW, the Blog ID should be 0. That’s ZERO.



    Thanks, I’ll try when I get home. just to be clear the line should look like?:
    $struct["htmlUrl"] = wp_specialchars(get_category_link($cat["cat_ID"]));
    Edited: xmlrpc.php is working. I have a feeling I’ve got blog ID = 1. I’ll try that.



    My xmlrpc file works ok, I’ve reinstalled Photon and tried IDs from 0 upwards. Still no dice.



    I read through this post a bunch and finally got photon working. Here is how I did it.
    Blog ID =0
    Access Point=https://www.natewarner.com/blog/xmlrpc.php
    you have to point to your specific xmlrpc.php file’s location which could be https://www.yourblog.com/wordpress/xmlrpc.php
    Upload Path: https://natewarner.com/blog/wp-content
    Make sure to go into Miscellaneous Options and allow file uploads. Use the Suggested URI for the upload path. Bling. It should work now.



    Is the upload path https://natewarner.com/blog/wp-content specified in the Photon Setings? I think it was blank or /photonimagefolder for 1.2.



    That path is specified in the Miscellaneous Options tab in the WP admin pages.



    Tried “default” as blog ID?



    (I’m not sure that will work – I had the same problem with blog ID when I tried Marsedit just now, read somewhere to input “default” instead and it worked – thought it might be the same issue. Then again I wouldn’t know cos I just came back to WordPress after a long spell with Textpattern! Good to be back.)

    I’m trying to make this work, but get the error: Photon could not fetch the category listing for a€?Mikofox’s Cabin Fever Bloga€?. The server replied a€?Bad login/pass combination.a€?.

    Username and Password, should this be the WordPress Plog login or the login to my server admin?

    Got it to work and retrieve my categories!
    As said above every photo gets it’s own post entry. Ideally one would want to show the thumbnails in the post, clickable to open the full size image. Needs some work, to make more sense than just using the mail feature in iPhoto together with John Blade’s wp-mail.php hack.

    have tried everything, but still get a Server Error: 405 and a lockup


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