I used / have used several plugins from WPMU dev over the past few years.
I’ll try to summarise my experience below.
a) They have some excellent and invaluable plugins. Specifically for me:
— Cloner
— Multisite privacy
— Lock posts
— Pretty Plugins
Have all been very useful
b) My support requests were always responded to promptly and their tech staff seemed keen to help
a) Nag notices. If you haven’t installed their ‘hub’ plugin (that attempts to centrally manage all your WPMUdev plugins) it pushes it on you most pages. I had to get another plugin just to remove it
b) Although the support requests were answered, the advice given wasn’t always that useful. As an experienced dev I’d often want fairly ‘high level’ tech help which wasn’t always forthcoming i.e. I sometimes felt I knew more than they did
I would suggest subscribing for a month (it’s free for a month), see what you use, and then decide if it’s worth the cost.
I would highly recommend subscribing to their newsletter which I actually find very informative – they highlight key news in the WP world and beyond.