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  • Plugin Author Chuck Mac


    Thanks for trying out the plugin.

    There is no “easy” way built in to display the statistics on the front end such as a shortcode. That said, the code should be reusable to build an extension off of it that would display the data on the frontend.

    Specifically the display_dashboard_widget function in includes/class-analytics-for-cloudflare-admin-dashboard.php.

    Thread Starter Luke


    Thanks for the reply, I’ll look into it.

    Would there be any way to do this for multiple domains, for example I have about 20 domains all on the same cloudflare account and would love to display the analytics for each account based on the URL or a custom field URL I could input for each user on WordPress.

    Plugin Author Chuck Mac


    I had never really thought about that use case when developing this (which is great!).

    I will add some filter in and push a new release in a day or 2 so that the domain can be changed programmatically.

    Thread Starter Luke


    That would be awesome, thanks for considering this. I look forward to an update.

    Plugin Author Chuck Mac


    I pushed a new version (1.0.2) which has some new filters for the API settings. Specifically the domain is cmd_analytics_for_cloudflare_set_api_domain. The trick here is that this is the ZoneID key for the domain… not just the bare domain name.

    I also played around for a few minutes trying to get the chart to display on the front end. I was able to get it working with the following code in a template.

    //Need to include the dashboard widget class since that is typically only loaded on is_admin
    $plugin_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/analytics-for-cloudflare/includes/class-analytics-for-cloudflare-admin-dashboard.php';
    require_once( $plugin_file );
    //Create a new instance of the class
    $dashboard = new CMD_Analytics_For_Cloudflare_Admin_Dashboard();
    //Enqueue the chartJS styles / javascript.  Trick it into thinking we are on the dashboard index.php page
    //Load up the chart!

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter Luke


    That’s brilliant thanks for that. I’ve updated and using your code it can show the stats on the front end. I’m having a little issue with the filter however.

    Do you know where I could I find the ZoneID for each domain? I found the following but could not locate it in Cloudflare:
    “Each zone ( on CloudFlare has a unique number identifier. If you need to locate the zoneid for a domain, simply go to the “Reports and Stats’ link for that domain (the zone id appears at the end with an equal sign, such as zid=xxxxxx).”

    PHP is not my strong point but would something like the following work once I know the zoneid:

    add_filter( 'cmd_analytics_for_cloudflare_set_api_domain', 'set_cloudflare_user_domain' );
    function set_cloudflare_user_domain() {
      return 'ZONEID';

    ZONEID obviously replaced with an actual zoneid for a specific domain.

    Plugin Author Chuck Mac


    Your code looks like it should work.

    The direction for how to determine the zoneID on CloudFlare look like they are outdated. I poked around for a few minutes and can’t see an easy way to extract them from there.

    If you have it linked up in your WordPress dashboard you can do a view source on the settings page… the cmd_analytics_for_cloudflare_settings[domain] dropdown box has all the zoneIDs in it.


    <select name="cmd_analytics_for_cloudflare_settings[domain]" data-dynamite-selected="true">
    		<option value="thisismyzoneid" selected="selected"></option>
    Thread Starter Luke


    That’s perfect, thanks for all your help you’ve been amazing.

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