thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.
Directly writing into the CSS files that TablePress uses (tablepress-custom.css, tablepress-combined.css, and tablepress-combined.min.css in wp-content) is not possible unfortunately, as that breaks the saving/minification process.
CSS changes should therefore always be done through the “Custom CSS” textarea.
My suggestion is that you keep your own copy of your SASS file and a compiled CSS file offline on your computer (or also in wp-content), and then copy/paste the CSS file’s contents into the “Custom CSS” field after a change.
Alternatively, you could use the available plugin filter hooks (in the function get_custom_css_location()
in classes/class-css.php) and make those point to your compiled CSS file.
(As a sidenote: I do have SASS/SCSS support on my “Ideas” list, so that this will maybe be possibile directly in TablePress in the future. That doesn’t help you right now, of course. Sorry.)