• Resolved Christian Rodríguez


    Hi Frank!

    I cannot control the Autoptimize cache and this plugin now has switched to a big headache on my mind, instead the useful plugin it was in the past ??

    According to this topic, I enabled only the options below:

    1. Optimize JavaScript Code?
    2. Exclude scripts from Autoptimize: js/jquery/jquery.js
    3. Optimize CSS Code?
    4. Also aggregate inline CSS?
    5. Save aggregated script/css as static files?

    It’s all ok, but a website with 3,600 sessions/month generates 10MB of AO cache in only ONE MINUTE! And I also manage a lot of websites and spending a lot of time to the AO plugin every day ??

    There’s a technical way to auto clear the cache?



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Considering cache-size is a canary in a coal-mine, I strongly advice against auto-cleaning the cache. the real solution is either not to aggregate inline JS (you indeed might have to troubleshoot a bit, but in general it can be done) OR exclude the inline JS that is busting AO’s cache, from optimization.

    But if you are absolutely sure auto-purging is what you want, you could try the “bi clean cache” plugin on the wordpress repo, which claims it empties AO’s cache based on a wordpress-cron (I haven’t tested myself)?

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