• Resolved Vakantie Ameland


    Using Apache 2.4.18 and PHP 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 I get these apache errors where the rendering of the webpage leads to a bad gateway problem

    [:error] [pid 9090] PHP Warning: Declaration of FDX_Widget_search::form() should be compatible with WP_Widget::form($instance) in wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-twitter/modules/class-p2.php on line 0


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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Hi! That error appears to actually be coming from a different plugin. I don’t know what it is, but the files the error is citing are not located in the WP to Twitter directory and are not files used in WP to Twitter.

    Thread Starter Vakantie Ameland


    Strange, the file is there, this is in it:

    cat wp-twitter/modules/class-p2.php
    /* Widget_profile
    define( 'PLUGIN_P2', $this->hook . '-'.$this->_p2 );
    define( 'PLUGIN_NAME', $this->pluginname );
    class FDX_Widget_profile extends WP_Widget {
    	function __construct() {
    		$widget_options = array('classname' => 'widget_wp_twitter_fdx_profile', 'description' => __('Display Twitter Profile Widget', 'wp-twitter') );
    		parent::__construct('fdxprofile',PLUGIN_NAME. ' - '.__('Profile Widget', 'wp-twitter'), $widget_options);
    	function widget($args) {
    	$wp_twitter_fdx_widget_title1 = get_option('wp_twitter_fdx_widget_title');
    	echo $before_widget;
    	echo $before_title . $wp_twitter_fdx_widget_title1 . $after_title;
        echo WP_Twitter::wp_twitter_fdx_profile();
        echo $after_widget;
        function form() {
        echo __('Please go to', 'wp-twitter').': <b><a href="'. admin_url('admin.php?page='.PLUGIN_P2).'">'. PLUGIN_NAME . ' | Widgets</a></b> '. __('for options.', 'wp-twitter');
    /* Widget_search
    class FDX_Widget_search extends WP_Widget {
    	function __construct() {
    		$widget_options = array('classname' => 'widget_wp_twitter_fdx_search', 'description' => __('Display Twitter Search Widget', 'wp-twitter') );
    		parent::__construct('fdxsearch', PLUGIN_NAME. ' - '.__('Search Widget', 'wp-twitter'), $widget_options);
    	function widget($args) {
    	$wp_twitter_fdx_widget_title1 = get_option('wp_twitter_fdx_search_widget_sidebar_title');
    	echo $before_widget;
    	echo $before_title . $wp_twitter_fdx_widget_title1 . $after_title;
        echo WP_Twitter::wp_twitter_fdx_search();
        echo $after_widget;
        function form() {
        echo __('Please go to', 'wp-twitter').': <b><a href="'. admin_url('admin.php?page='.PLUGIN_P2).'">'.PLUGIN_NAME . ' | Widgets</a></b> '. __('for options.', 'wp-twitter');
    Thread Starter Vakantie Ameland


    And when I disable the wp-to-twitter plugin the errors are gone!

    Thread Starter Vakantie Ameland


    Sorry looks like it is another plugin called WP Twitter and yours is wp-to-twitter Well have to find that one ?? Tnx anyway for the response

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    Yes, that’s what I meant. ??

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