• Resolved lours1


    I’m currently develop a new place holder to show the list of person who have booked a ticket.
    My only problem is to find which method to use.
    Can you tell me if there is a document with all methode available?

    thank you

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  • have the solution made for a customer
    have a look

    1. /wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-person.php:

    function get_name(){
    //Start- Added by WINSTART
    /*$full_name = $this->first_name . ” ” . $this->last_name ;
    $full_name = wp_kses_data(trim($full_name));
    $name = !empty($full_name) ? $full_name : $this->display_name;
    return apply_filters(’em_person_get_name’, $name, $this);*/
    $name = $this->display_name;
    return apply_filters(’em_person_get_name’, $name, $this);
    //End- Added by WINSTART
    2. /wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/placeholders/attendees.php
    (tussen de <?php en <?php):

    //Start- Added by WINSTART
    foreach( $EM_Bookings as $EM_Booking){ /* @var $EM_Booking EM_Booking */
    if($EM_Booking->booking_status == 1 && !in_array($EM_Booking->get_person()->ID, $people) ){
    $people[] = $EM_Booking->get_person()->ID;
    echo ‘

    • ‘. get_avatar($EM_Booking->get_person()->ID, 50) .’ <span>’.$EM_Booking->get_person()->get_name().'</span>
    • ‘;
      }elseif($EM_Booking->booking_status == 1 && $EM_Booking->is_no_user() ){
      echo ‘

    • ‘. get_avatar($EM_Booking->get_person()->ID, 50) .’ <span>’.$EM_Booking->get_person()->get_name().'</span>
    • ‘;
      //End- Added by WINSTART

      <!– Start- Added by WINSTART –>
      .event-attendees li{
      list-style: none;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      .event-attendees li img{
      vertical-align: middle;
      margin-right: 10px;
      <!– End- Added by WINSTART –>

      3. /wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/placeholders/attendeeslist.php
      (tussen de <?php en <?php):
      //Start- Added by WINSTART
      /*foreach( $EM_Bookings as $EM_Booking){
      if($EM_Booking->booking_status == 1 && !in_array($EM_Booking->get_person()->ID, $people) ){
      $people[] = $EM_Booking->get_person()->ID;
      echo ‘

    • ‘. $EM_Booking->get_person()->get_name() .’
    • ‘;
      }elseif($EM_Booking->booking_status == 1 && $EM_Booking->is_no_user() ){
      echo ‘

    • ‘. $EM_Booking->get_person()->get_name() .’
    • ‘;
      //End- Added by WINSTART

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