• Hola Kolja, otra cuestión:

    Quería saber si te puede interesar una aportación al plugin que es una modificación que realizó un amigo mío. Esto incorpora al plugin dos cosas:

    – Estado del partido: Sin comenzar, En juego, Finalizado, Suspendido o Aplazado.

    – Crónica del partido: Un enlace (con un icono) al post que es la crónica del partido. Similar al “ver informe” que ya tiene el plugin.

    Puedes verlo en: https://www.navarrafutbolclic.com/

    Puedes ponerte en contacto conmigo en: [email protected]

    Mi problema es que, como tengo esos a?adidos, ahora no puedo actualizar el plugin.

    Un saludo


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  • Plugin Author K


    I don’t speak spanish??

    Please english so other people also understand

    He is talking about match status (started, on going, suspended, delayed)

    Also a link to a match journal similar to the view match report link

    Plugin Author K


    Do you mean to add these different statuses to matches?

    Thread Starter Xabir


    (Sorry for my previous comment. I will use Google Translate, so my English is not good.)

    Yes, that’s Kolja. It is very interesting and greatly increases the usability of the plugin.

    These would be five “moments” of the party (or user definable), which could be indicated with text or icons (image).

    In most sites offering match results this information is there. It would be managed manually from the admin panel and would be a column on the match template.

    A greeting and forth with this huge plugin.

    Muy bueno mantiene informado desde un mobile (icono no ocupa espacio en lo reducido de la pantalla) a cualquier persona que no pudo ir al partido, me puedes enviarlos los archivos del pluging a ver si los puedo implementar ! a [email protected]
    Muy agradecido,

    Sigue insistiendo es una magnifica idea lo del estado del partido. enviale a Kolja una instantanea de una de las patallas donde sale el icono del estado del partido, una imagen dice mas que mil palabras !

    Thread Starter Xabir


    Thank you very much for your interest RProenza. I again apologize for my English.
    I fully share your view that there is one more fact to the plugin that provides many possibilities. Especially to follow the matches live.
    I can send the files, but if I’m honest, I do not know where to tell the additions that we are, for a long time that I did and did not participate too long ago.
    But I think that soon would find the contributions we made.
    He would have to send all files in the plugin version which I have saved.
    How about?
    Best regards, Xabir

    I will appreciate it, just to see if it would work in a test server. And if does how to upgrade with out affecting the whole plugling.
    Best regards
    [Te lo agradeceria solo para ver si trabaja en un servidor de prueba.Y si lo hace a ver como puedo hacer actualizaciones sin que afecte al pluging.]

    Thread Starter Xabir


    I wanted to know if you had studied the subject Proenza or Kolja. I still find a fundamental issue for the websites that offer football results.
    Thank you


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